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Does drinking alcohol block your ability to have an orgasm? People often say that a cocktail or a glass of wine helps them to relax or even feel a little sexier. But does it actually result in better sex? Probably not. 

If you are concerned about a friend's drinking, go to how to help a friend.

If you are concerned about yourself, read the following statements and keep track of how many times they apply to you.

Drinking Patterns

  • It is difficult for you to stop drinking after you've had one or two drinks.

  • When you drink, you always wind up drunk.

Understanding what alcohol does to your body and the risks associated with alcohol use can help you in many ways:

  • If you choose to drink, you can make safer decisions about drinking.

  • You can make a more informed decision about whether or not to drink.

  • You can recognize the warning signs of dangerous intoxication and call EMS for a friend.

  • You can reduce the risks associated with high risk alcohol use, including injury.

Concerned about yourself or a friend?

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