There are many points to consider as you and your partner(s) choose safer sex and contraceptive options. Condoms and dental dams are often recommended as the best safer sex choice for college students, but you may want to try different options until you find the one(s) you like best. An individual may switch methods because of changes in relationships, age, health, economic security and lifestyle. To help you decide which method to use, you may want to consider the following questions as you read through these pages:
How will it fit into your lifestyle?
How convenient is it to use?
Will it help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
How effective is it in preventing pregnancy?
How safe is it?
How much will it cost?
Below we also discuss how you can obtain each safer sex or contraceptive option. To schedule an appointment at Health Services, you can call 401.863-3953.
You will also find a guide to potential risks by sexual behavior. This information, along with self-knowledge and communication with your partner(s), will allow you to choose sex that is most enjoyable and comfortable for you. If you are not sexually active now, thinking about these things now can be helpful for the future.
The content on this page was developed by Brown students from the Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG) in collaboration with Health Promotion staff.