Sexual Assault & Dating Violence

Sexual assault, sexual harassment and dating violence are hidden but widespread problems. Chances are that you or someone you know has been affected by these problems. Anyone, regardless of gender, race or education can be a victim. Because of the shame and fear that many victims experience, it may be difficult to reach out and get help. This website can help you learn more about sexual assault, sexual harassment and dating violence. Use the tabs above in the Sexual Assault and Dating Violence section to find information about legal definitions, resources for survivors of violence, suggestions on how to respect the rights and wishes of partners, and ways you can look out for the health and safety of friends and loved ones.

“We ask others to be mirrors for ourselves at our most vulnerable be intentional in the present moment, to take responsibility for your state of being and for your life” 

― adrienne maree brown, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds

Rigid definitions of masculinity are toxic to men's health. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized that men's tendency to die at younger ages may correlate to the harmful ways that masculinity has been defined in society and the ways that men have been conditioned to practice it.

Brown community members can access Brown’s Survivor Resource Guide by visiting This interactive online guide for Brown students after an incident of sexual harm, includes up-to-date information on support, time-sensitive medical care, reporting an incident, and other needs. 

Anyone can experience sexual violence, regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, immigration or socioeconomic status. On this page you will find information, legal definitions, resources, and links you can use to learn more about sexual violence. It's important to remember that no one deserves to be harmed.


  • 401.863-2794
    Health Promotion
  • 401.863-3953
    Health Services
  • 401.863-6000
    Sexual Assault Response Line
  • 401.863-4111
  • 401.863-3476
    Counseling & Psychological Services
  • 401.863-4111
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