Many people have questions about the dynamics of consent when they, and/or their partners, have been drinking or using drugs. There are a few realities we must face when it comes to alcohol, drugs, and consent:
Sex 101
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Ship n SHAG!
Submitted by [email protected] on Oct 30, 2015 - 7:12 pm
View the SHAG video series!
Submitted by [email protected] on Oct 30, 2015 - 7:12 pm
What is SHAG?
The Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG) is a peer education program from Health Promotion. SHAG is comprised of Brown students who promote sexual health on campus through workshops, a confidential texting Q&A response service (if you are a Brown student, click here for the texting number), and other outreach projects.
Does drinking alcohol block your ability to have an orgasm? People often say that a cocktail or a glass of wine helps them to relax or even feel a little sexier. But does it actually result in better sex? Probably not.
The content on this page was adapted from the Huffington Post article What Alcohol Really Does to Your Sex Life by Petra Zebroff.