Sexual Health

Welcome to the sexual health section of the website. These pages contain information to help you navigate the sexual choices that feel right for you. Some general sexual health tips to keep in mind:

Get regular medical care. If you are sexually active, this medical care should include getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Practice safer sex (like using condoms or dental dams) when you have sex to prevent STI transmission.

If you are having sex which could result in pregnancy, research the contraceptive options that are available. Use these methods in conjunction with, not instead of safer sex methods. For example, if you are using the pill, remember that this will only work to prevent pregnancy, and you can also use a condom to prevent STI transmission.

You may also find it useful to explore the sexuality section, which includes information on orgasmsex toys, and more.

We present this information so that you can make informed decisions about your sexual activity. We hope this page and the others in the sexual health section of the site will encourage you to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), improve communication in relationships, and increase the awareness of this hidden epidemic. 


  • 401.863-2794
    Health Promotion
  • 401.863-3953
    Health Services
  • 401.863-6000
    Sexual Assault Response Line
  • 401.863-4111
  • 401.863-3476
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  • 401.863-4111
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