522 Results based on your selections.
Science and Technology

Brain practices new tasks while people sleep, study finds

A new study associated with the BrainGate consortium offered significant clues about how humans learn and form long-term memories; the findings could provide insights for developers of assistive tools for people with paralysis.
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By merging themes in dance and computer science, the course Choreorobotics 0101 is teaching the next generation of engineers how to create technology that minimizes harm and makes a positive impact on society.
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Science and Technology

Robotic swimmer sheds light on microorganisms in motion

A self-propelled robotic swimmer, developed by Brown University students and faculty, could help researchers better understand the complex swimming behaviors of bacteria and other microorganisms.
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Science and Technology

From the Lab: Kavita Ramanan puts randomness to work

A professor of applied mathematics at Brown, Ramanan uses randomness as a tool to make precise predictions about complex systems ranging from statistical physics to communication networks.
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Science and Technology

Brown physics faculty member earns 2022 Sloan Fellowship

Andrey Gromov, an assistant professor of physics, has been awarded a prestigious Sloan Fellowship for his research into exotic quantum states of matter that could enable quantum computing technology.
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A tunable, atomically thin materials platform may help researchers figure out how to create a robust quantum condensate that can flow without dissipation of energy — potentially paving the way for ultra-efficient lossless electronic devices.
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A new study reveals how the diminutive Moon could have been an occasional magnetic powerhouse early in its history, a question that has confounded researchers since NASA’s Apollo program began returning lunar samples in 1969.
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Science and Technology

Magnetic surprise revealed in ‘magic-angle’ graphene

Magnets and superconductors don’t normally get along, but a new study shows that ‘magic-angle’ graphene is capable of producing both superconductivity and ferromagnetism, which could be useful in quantum computing.
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Science and Technology

Brown physics student earns Ph.D. at age 89

After a 30-year career in medicine, Manfred Steiner returned to the classroom to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a physicist.
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Science and Technology

New report assesses progress and risks of artificial intelligence

A report by a panel of experts chaired by a Brown professor concludes that AI has made a major leap from the lab to people’s lives in recent years, which increases the urgency to understand its potential negative effects.
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Brown researcher John Sedivy, lead author of a sweeping review article about transposons, explains what these mobile genetic elements are, how they are more harmful than benign and where their weaknesses may lie.
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Science and Technology

Nathan Brown: Toward a better, more versatile wheelchair

With the help of a Royce Fellowship from the Swearer Center, Nathan Brown is developing a wheelchair design with the aim of increasing mobility for users on both indoor and outdoor terrain.
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Science and Technology

New data science platform speeds up Python queries

Data queries written in Python, a commonly used programming language, can grind data analytics platforms to a crawl, but a new platform developed by researchers from Brown and MIT may finally solve the Python efficiency problem.
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A new infectious disease model that accounts for people’s ‘level of caution’ or ‘sense of safety’ accurately captures surges and declines in COVID-19 cases since March 2020 — and could help predict how the pandemic will eventually end.
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