COVID-19 External Funding Opportunities

External Funding Opportunities 

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), the Office of Foundation Relations and the Brown Library provide various services to help you search for external funding opportunities. Also, OVPR manages the process for all limited submission opportunities.

The Office of Research Strategy and Development in OVPR can help you network with federal agency program managers by arranging meetings at the agencies and/or bringing program managers to campus to help you develop a productive relationship with program managers. To learn more about this, contact Edel Minogue at [email protected].

Internal Funding Opportunities

The Office of the Vice President for Research and many other offices across campus offer internal funding to help advance scholarly projects. This page provides more information about those opportunities

webinar: Research Opportunities in Europe


webinar: Grantseeking for the Humanities

Go to Proposal Development Services for more resources