
The Office of Sponsored Projects offers a wide variety of opportunities for training in subjects related to the administration of research. Interested in a course? Log into Workday Learning and search 'Office of Sponsored Projects' to get started, or watch a training from the list below!


NIH F31/F32 (Fellowships) WATCH
Preparing, Submitting, & Tracking Applications Using ASSIST WATCH
Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration at Brown (Pre-Award)  WATCH
Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration at Brown (Post-Award) PDF 
Reading FOA & Budgeting Basics WATCH
NIH T32 (Training Grants) WATCH 
Cost Transfers (Post-Award) PowerPoint
Grant and Contract Negotiations WATCH
NIH K (Career) WATCH
Documentation and Justification (Post-Award) WATCH   /  PowerPoint   
Traveling on Sponsored Projects (Post-Award) WATCH  /   PDF    /  OSP Travel Guide
Commitments (Post-Award) WATCH  /   PowerPoint
Financial Closeouts of Sponsored Projects (Post-Award) PowerPoint
Direct Charging of Administrative Costs (Post-Award) PowerPoint
Allocation of Costs (Post-Award)

PowerPoint  /  Examples of Allocation Methodologies   

Effort Reporting (Post-Award) PDF
Transition to PowerPoint
Participant Support Costs - REU/RETs PowerPoint / Handout 1 / Handout 2

Descriptions of the courses can be found in Workday Learning

Proposal Review & Submission Classes (Pre-Award)


OSP Grant Award Review Training

This is a four-part training series which provides a comprehensive review of new grant awards from the NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD and Non-Federal entities. Participants will gain insight into University priorities and gain an understanding of the OSP review process.  

OSP Brown Bag Series

Through quarterly noontime sessions, the Brown Bag Luncheon Series covers topics of interest to Brown's Research Community.  All are welcome to attend. No registration is required. Email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list for notifications.

ORSD Grant Writing Workshop 

Planning and Writing Successful NSF Grant Proposals - Apply by March 17

Fundamental concepts of NSF proposal planning and writing backed by concrete tips and operational strategies that support planning and longer-term sustainability.

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, this virtual seminar will be presented by Dr. M.S. (Peg) AtKisson and Dr. Amanda Welch of AtKisson Training Group.  Faculty members writing a proposal for NSF are invited to apply.  Apply Here or click on the Flyer below. 


OVPR Collaborative Training Materials

Love Data Week 2022:  International Collaborations: avoiding common pitfalls

Grantseeking Workshop for Social Scientists 2022 Recorded Training

Grantseeking Workshop for Social Scientists 2022 Slides