Commencement Student Spotlight - Rafael Gonzalez Cruz PhD'18

Dr. González-Cruz doesn’t just excel in the lab. He won this year’s Graduate Student Contribution to Community Life Award for his work with various affinity groups and student development organizations at Brown. --- After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September 2017, Dr. González-Cruz worked with the Brown Center for Students of Color and the Office of the Provost to receive students.  “I felt really powerless to help people back home because planes couldn’t really get there and food we were collecting here was getting stuck in the ports and not reaching people,” he says.  “This way, we could help some of the students involved to not lose their entire semester.”

Two BME PhD students were selected for the interdisciplinary Open Graduate Education program

Two BME PhD students, Amanda Khoo and Travis Wallace, were selected for the interdisciplinary Open Graduate Education program, which provides the flexibility and resources to pursue a master’s degree in a secondary field while they earn their doctorates. Amanda will add a master’s in Data Science, and Travis will add a master's in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Engineering (PRIME).

Shukla Awarded Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship

Assistant Professor of Engineering Anita Shukla has been awarded a Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship for 2018-2019. Shukla is one of five recipients of the fellowship which is awarded each year to regular untenured members of the Brown faculty (assistant professors and lecturers) who have achieved a record of excellence in teaching and scholarship during their first years at the University.

May Student Spotlight - Joshua Daniel & Rachel Deraney

"Passion in a field will not only make the mandatory course load more relevant, but also provide a long-term dream of fulfillment that can motivate through the hours of study. Also, finding your passion can lead to promising relationships with faculty members that can be great resources for research, academic, professional and other opportunities." - Joshua Daniel

"In the case of many diseases, the technology is available to diagnose, treat and cure a patient, but, these technologies are often not feasible for those who have the greatest need. In order to truly reduce the global burden of disease, we need to approach problems from a multidisciplinary perspective, and combining a Master of Public Health with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering will allow me to do just that." -Rachel Deraney

Brown-RISD Team Wins First Prize at International Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition

The Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition is an annual design competition open to full-time graduate and undergraduate groups that encourages the teams to pitch designs to address major unresolved clinical needs, and to think about the necessary steps to move their ideas to commercialization. Hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Biomedical Innovation & Design (CBID) in Baltimore, MD, the competition was open for the first time this year to teams from around the world, and attracted over 100 design proposals. Ten or fewer teams were ultimately selected as finalists in each of three categories: Healthcare Information Technology, Global Health, and Advanced Health Systems. Selected finalists hailed from 16 academic institutions from across three continents. Brown University was represented by both the Mobius and the EmboNet teams, in the Advanced Health Systems division.

Biomedical Engineers Partner with Toxicologists and Pathologists to Advance Toxicity Testing

The 1st Annual Brown University Bioengineering Research Partnership (BRP) retreat held on April 11th brought together the interdisciplinary research team from Brown’s Center to Advance Predictive Biology (CAPB) with world-leading experts in environmental toxicity testing. The day focused on the first year of progress on the 5-year, $2.5 million grant: Human 3D Microtissues for Toxicity Testing via Integrated Imaging, Molecular and Functional Analyses (U01 ES028184) awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
