If you are concerned about a friend's drinking, go to how to help a friend.

If you are concerned about yourself, read the following statements and keep track of how many times they apply to you.

Drinking Patterns

  • It is difficult for you to stop drinking after you've had one or two drinks.

  • When you drink, you always wind up drunk.

Understanding what alcohol does to your body and the risks associated with alcohol use can help you in many ways:

  • If you choose to drink, you can make safer decisions about drinking.

  • You can make a more informed decision about whether or not to drink.

  • You can recognize the warning signs of dangerous intoxication and call EMS for a friend.

  • You can reduce the risks associated with high risk alcohol use, including injury.

Many people find it very difficult to talk about their sexual health. But discomfort and shame can keep people from taking good care of themselves and their partners. Remember that protecting yourself against STIs can reduce anxiety and make sex a lot more enjoyable. 


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