
Research & Educational Resources

The purpose of this document is to facilitate remote research for members of the Brown brain science community. This document includes research and educational resources, and it will be updated regularly.

Funding Opportunities

The Carney Institute for Brain Science provides funds to support summer undergraduate research experiences, graduate student training and postdoctoral training.

Research Toolbox

As Carney Institute for Brain Science researchers strive to understand how brain circuits produce complex behavior, they also develop new tools that can help other scientists answer questions about the brain.

Brain Facts

The brain is a source of wonder and mystery. Browse through these resources to find out more about what we know, as well as what we don’t know.

Education & Outreach

The Carney Institute is committed to facilitating and sponsoring outreach events for all educational levels and backgrounds. Browse through these resources to discover the wealth of brain science in Rhode Island, as well as STEM outreach and education resources available through Brown University. 

Open Faculty Searches

Searching for a faculty position in brain science? Check out these open faculty searches at Brown being conducted during the 2023-2024 Academic Year.