Assistance is always available for student emergencies and urgent or crisis situations, including overnight, on the weekend, and during academic vacations.  Brown Public Safety can respond directly or contact the administrator-on-call to respond.  Some resources, such as the Sexual Assault Response Line, are available directly by phone.

Urgent or Crisis Situations During Business Hours After Business Hours
Police/Fire/Medical Emergencies -- for students and others on the Brown campus 401.863.4111 401.863.4111
Family and Student Emergencies 401.863.3145

Student Support Services



Academic Emergencies 401.863.9800

Dean of the College

Graduate School Deans 

Info for undergraduates at 


Graduate Student Resouces 

Medical Advice 401.863.3953

Health Services


Nursing Advice Line

Psychological Emergencies 401.863.3476

Counseling and Psychological Services


Follow Prompts to Speak to CAPS After Hours services

Sexual Assault Response Line 401.863.6000 401.863.6000
Information about Weather-Related or Other Campus Emergencies Emergency Announcements Emergency Announcements
Tips and Rumor Hotline - to Report a Crime or Information 401.863.2200 401.863.2200