NIH PI Responsibilities
The PI must develop a discipline-specific, tailored plan for RCR training that meets the NIH requirements. The instructional plan is evaluated as a component of the NIH funding proposal. Applications without an RCR instructional plan may be delayed in the review process or not reviewed
- The RCR instructional plan must meet NIH requirements for educational content, training format, and frequency. Brown encourages PIs to use available Template RCR Plans for Grants Applications and to modify/tailor these plans as needed based on discipline specific considerations.
- The RCR instructional plan must include coursework with significant face-to-face interaction and involve participation by research faculty members.
- While on-line instruction may be used as a component of the training program, it is not sufficient to meet the NIH requirement for RCR instruction. PIs wishing to use supplemental online instruction as part of their training program, can use the Brown CITI RCR Course as part of their instructional plan. All the NIH required topics are addressed in the CITI RCR coursework. If used, the most relevant, discipline-specific CITI RCR course (Biomedical Research, Social and Behavioral Research, Physical Science, Humanities, or Engineering) should be specified. The CITI RCR course also offers online case studies that can be used for face-to-face discussions.
The PI is responsible for ensuring that trainees, fellows, and scholars on qualifying NIH awards have completed RCR training.
- While the Office of Research Integrity will maintain completion records centrally and send informational and reminder notifications regarding NIH RCR training requirements, the PI is responsible for informing trainees, fellows, and scholars on qualifying NIH awards of this important requirement and reminding them to retain their own training completion records.
- The PI must comply with specific reporting requirements in continuation applications.
NSF PI Responsibilities
PIs do not need to include RCR program details in their proposals; NSF only requires certification that a program is in place.
The PI is responsible for ensuring that students and postdocs complete the RCR requirement. PIs should direct the trainees to enroll in one of Brown’s in-person RCR programs or complete the RCR CITI training module.
- While the Office of Research Integrity will maintain completion records centrally and send informational and reminder notifications regarding NSF RCR training requirements, the PI is responsible for informing students and postdocs on qualifying NIH awards of this important requirement and reminding them to retain their own training completion records.
- While Brown currently accepts completion of the CITI online course in the Responsible Conduct of Research as satisfying the NSF RCR training requirement, the institution strongly recommends that all students and postdocs supported by NSF sponsored projects complete one of Brown's in-person RCR courses.
- The PI is also encouraged to familiarize herself with RCR topics, best practices, and ethical and compliance standards, and discuss responsible conduct of research with students and postdocs in the lab or in the research group.