RCR Programs at Brown

Brown currently offers the following in-person instructional RCR programs that satisfy the NIH face-to-face instruction requirement:

The NSF requirement can either be fulfilled via one of the courses of instruction above or via completion of the CITI online course in the Responsible Conduct of Research. Brown strongly recommends that all trainees supported by NSF sponsored projects complete one of the above-referenced courses of instruction if time and space allow. 

The NIFA requirement should be fulfilled via completion of the CITI online course in the Responsible Conduct of Research.


Completion of the CITI RCR module can be used to comply with NSF and NIFA RCR training requirements. Completion of the CITI RCR module does NOT fulfill NIH requirements. Please note that completion of other modules available in CITI (e.g., human subjects research modules) does NOT fulfill the NSF RCR training requirement. You must take the RCR CITI course.

Review of CITI's RCR materials and completion of the quizzes will take about 30-35 minutes per topic. Courses do not have to be completed in one session. A minimum aggregate score of 80% is required to pass the RCR course.

If you have never been certified in the Brown University CITI Responsible Conduct of Research program, please follow the instructions below to take the required CITI RCR course: 

  • Go to the CITI home page at www.citiprogram.org
  • Register or Log In
    • New users: If you have never taken the CITI program, please click on the “Register Here” link for new users and fill in steps 1-4.  In Step 1: Choose Brown University as your institution. Continue with the registration process filling in all of the appropriate personal information.
    • Returning CITI Users: Log in using your previous username and password. Click on the link “Affiliate with another institution.”  Choose Brown University as your institution. 
  • In the section "My Learner Tools for Brown University," select “Add a Course or Update Learner Groups.” This will bring you to a course selection instruction page - at the bottom of the page, click on the link to “Continue to Question 1.”
  • On the next page, scroll down to Question 2 and select "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)" and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.  You will then be brought back to the main menu and the RCR course will be available to select and begin.

CITI Completion Records

Trainees who complete the RCR CITI module will be able to print out a certificate of completion. Trainees should keep a copy of that certificate in their personal files as they may be asked to provide a copy to grants or department managers, graduate school administrators, or current and future PIs.

ORI receives an automatic email notification from CITI whenever a Brown-affiliated trainee has completed the RCR module. ORI keeps records of all RCR CITI completers. Contact ORI with questions about CITI RCR completion records.

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