City Biking 101

Friedman Auditorium, Metcalf Building, 190 Thayer St
Do you like to ride your bike but aren't quite ready to zip all around Providence? Are you looking for more places to ride? Do you want to learn how to keep your bike in tip-top shape? Then this is the workshop for you! Join Officer Kelly Mitchell from DPS and Harry and Andrea from Bikes at Brown and the Office of Energy and Environmental Initiatives for tips on how to ride your bike more confidently and safely around Brown and in Providence. The workshop will take place on April 17th from 6-7pm in Metcalf Research Pilch Friedman Auditorium. Topics will include maintaining your bike, riding cautiously, locking your bike properly, avoiding common accidents, commuting tips, and more. All members of the Brown community are welcome! ~~~dinner will be provided~~~ Please RSVP at