Brown and Providence

At the core of the Brown story is the story of Providence and Rhode Island.
Across education, research, service, community engagement and the economy, Brown is deeply intertwined with the city we call home.

For more than two and a half centuries, Brown has been deeply connected to the diverse and vibrant City of Providence — as a neighbor, employer and institution dedicated to a mission of education, research and service.

At the heart of the relationship between the University and the people and organizations in the city and state is a commitment to productive engagement and partnership. In everything from improving medical care and public health, to community engagement activities, support for schools and our role in fueling the regional economy, we are deeply committed to investing in the success of our local community.

This commitment is brought to life each and every day by the work of faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni across a wide range of Brown schools, departments, offices, centers, programs and initiatives. Brown is building innovative community partnerships and sustaining strong relationships with neighbors, nonprofit organizations, schools, civic organizations and businesses, dedicated to making a positive impact.

Health and Medicinein Rhode Island

As a research university with the only schools of medicine and public health in the state, Brown contributes to world-class medical care, strong patient outcomes and innovative solutions for pressing health challenges facing communities across Rhode Island through its Warren Alpert Medical School, School of Public Health and affiliated programs.

Health & Medicine in RI

Brown and Providence Public Schools

For decades, Brown has worked closely with school leaders in Providence to support K-12 education through teaching, training and mentoring, research, volunteer efforts and financial investments aligned with the schools’ priorities.

Brown & Providence Schools

Economic Impact in Providence and Rhode Island

Brown is an anchor institution that plays a vital role in the economic well-being of the City of Providence, the state and its people. The University is a top employer of Rhode Island residents, with nearly 5,500 employees, and injects hundreds of millions of dollars into the local economy each year through research spending, visitors to campus, investments in new projects, entrepreneurial startups and spinoffs based on Brown scholarship and research.

Economic Impact

Community Engagement for Local Impact

As a nonprofit academic institution driven by a mission of service, Brown students, faculty and staff regularly partner with local community organizations and groups to run after-school programs, address homelessness, assist refugees, provide health care, clean streets, curate museum exhibitions and much more.

Local Impact

Anchor Icon

Top 10 employer in Rhode Island with 1,700 Brown employees living in Providence

$249 M sponsored research spending annually

$341 M invested in Providence’s Jewelry District to date

$80 M direct payments to the City of Providence between 2012 and 2022

$7.4 M University scholarship support to Rhode Island high school graduates in 2022

$1 Million provided in support to the Providence Public School District every year

Local Impact

Community Partnerships

The Office of Government Relations at Brown fosters collaborative partnerships by connecting the University with neighbors and neighborhood associations, local businesses, state legislators and government agencies. Through these connections, the office seeks to identify and help to advance opportunities that align with the University’s mission and effectively address shared challenges.

Brown Gives

The University's annual workplace fundraising campaign has raised millions of dollars over decades to support United Way of Rhode Island, which provides programming and resources to assist Rhode Islanders in need.

Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship

The Nelson Center’s mission is to empower the greater Brown community to create solutions that make a positive impact through a range of programs and collaborations, including an after-school innovation accelerator for Providence high school students.

Sustainability Strategic Plan

Developed in consultation with faculty experts, students, staff and other community members, Brown’s Sustainability Strategic Plan identifies five key commitments to action to mitigate Brown’s impact on climate and pollution, as well as biodiversity loss in Rhode Island and beyond.

Brown Arts Institute

Part of the BAI’s mission is to support the broader Rhode Island community through a number of initiatives, including grants for artists and a songwriting workshop, and hosts publicly accessible art exhibitions and theater, dance, music and film productions that showcase world-renowned artists each semester.

Swearer Center

Brown’s Swearer Center works to facilitate partnerships between the Providence and Rhode Island communities and the University. To foster collaborations focused on community development, the center partners with local nonprofit organizations, and community, government and educational leaders to create new programs and initiatives that reflect the Providence community’s interests and needs.