Confidential Resources

For students - Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):

Provides crisis intervention, short-term individual therapy, group therapy, community outreach, and referral services.
Page-Robinson Hall room 512; (401) 863-3476

For students - Sexual Assault Response Line

Available through Counseling and Psychological Services’ on-call system. Confidential crisis support and information is available for any Brown student dealing with sexual assault. The on-call counselor is also available to accompany a victim to the hospital. (401) 863-6000

For students - Sexual Harassment and Assault Resources and Education (SHARE) Advocate(s)

Help is available for students who have experienced sexual violence and abuse in a relationship. Confidential services include support for a survivor or the friends of a survivor, help exploring options to address the incident (such as filing a complaint, if that is the student's choice) and educational programs for the student community. When you get support, you do not have to pursue any specific course of action and no action will be taken unless it’s something you choose.
Health Services, 3rd floor; (401) 863-2794

For students - University Health Services

Confidential medical care, testing and treatment. Emergency contraceptive pills and treatment for sexually transmitted infections are available.
Located at 13 Brown Street on the corner of Brown and Charlesfield Streets.
(401) 863-3953

For all – Ombudsperson

A safe, informal place to discuss a matter or surface a concern confidentially.

[email protected], (401) 863-6145

For all - Chaplains Office

The Chaplains are available for personal counseling and support. Call to make an appointment.
Located in Page-Robinson Hall, Room 410
(401) 863-2344

For all - Brown Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Emergency response available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

(401) 863-4111

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