Related Research

Several faculty members in CLPS conduct research that addresses questions of how diversity, inclusion, and/or identity may shape cognitive, perceptual, and social outcomes.

Scott AnderBois: Issues in semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces including primary fieldwork on Yucatec Maya (an indigenous language of Mexico) and A'ingae (an indigenous language of Ecuador and Colombia). 

Oriel FeldmanHall: Social and affective neuroscience, including understanding how the brain detects, values, and assesses conflicting reward and punishment contingencies as well as the role of emotion and its operational power in shaping these social interactions.

Bertram F. Malle: Social cognition, especially the capacity to recognize intentional actions, make inferences about others' mental states, explain behavior, and morally evaluate behavior.

Our departmental diversity committee encourages feedback and comments on anything related to diversity and inclusion in the department. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].