The following courses are offered in the Spring 2023 term and meet upper level elective requirements (updated 4/17/23):
- ENGN 1510 Nanoengineering and Nanomedicine (TTh 1-2:20) [available seats: 20]
- ENGN 1930B Biomedical Optics (MWF 12-12:50)
- BIOL 1140 Tissue Engineering (W 3-5:30) [available seats: 20]
- CSCI 1810 Computational Molecular Biology (TTh 2:30-3:50) [available seats: 63]
- †ENGN 1931S Medical Physics (W 3-5:30) [available seats: 10]
- †CSCI 1951C: Designing Humanity Centered Robotics (MW 11-1:50)
- BIOL 0470 Genetics (TTh 10:30-11:50)
- BIOL 0530 Immunology (TTh 2:30-3:50)
- CHEM 0360 Organic Chemistry II (MWF 9-9:50 or TTh 9-10:20)
- NEUR 1440 Mechanisms and Meaning of Neural Dynamics (TTh 2:30-3:50) [available seats: 25]
- †BIOL 1050 Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell (TTh 1-2:20)
- †BIOL 1090 Polymer Science for Biomaterials (T 1-4) [available seats: 25]
- †BIOL 1565 Survey of Biomedical Informatics (M 3-5:30) [available seats: 30]
Other courses may be appropriate to substitute with concentration advisor approval.