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Medieval Cultures

The program in Medieval Studies offers a concentration in Medieval Cultures with two tracks with distinct foci: one in Medieval Cultures and the other in Late Antique Cultures.

Medieval Cultures focuses on the 6th-15th centuries, combining interdisciplinary perspectives with in-depth study of one or two related disciplines.

Late Antique Cultures deals with the 3rd-9th centuries, when ancient cultural forms were still in place but medieval cultures were beginning to take shape simultaneously. The first undergraduate degree of its kind in this country, Late Antique Cultures studies the changing relation of cultural practices, social patterns, political and economics forms, and artistic and literary traditions in this important transition period.

A traditional area of study in Medieval Cultures is Western Europe in the High Middle Ages, but students are encouraged to work comparatively in Byzantine, Islamic, Judaic and/or Slavic cultures in the middle ages.