Pay Equity

Brown University is committed to cultivating a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and rewarded fairly for their contributions. As part of this commitment, University Human Resources (UHR) will proactively engage with an external compensation consultant to conduct a pay equity study every two to three years to identify and address possible inequities in salaries of non-union and benefits eligible staff.  In addition, UHR is committed to proactively monitoring our internal pay practices, including taking regular steps to ensure equitable pay for new-hire job offers, promotions, and job audits by working with managers and HR business partners.   

What is a Pay Equity Study?

A pay equity study is a thorough analysis of our employee compensation to identify any potential systematic pay inequities stemming from gender and/or race and ethnicity. The analysis includes regression modeling to predict salaries based on the primary drivers of pay, including job grade, job family, experience, and supervisory responsibility.  These studies also include an individual pay analysis to highlight individual cases that require further investigation to determine whether action is required to achieve standards of pay equity.

Why Do We Conduct This Type of Study?

A pay equity study is designed to ensure employees performing comparable work with similar experience are receiving comparable compensation. A pay equity study fosters a culture of fairness and transparency. Our practices effectively support pay equity, and we are proud of our focus on achieving and maintaining pay equity as part of our broader commitment to diversity and inclusion.  

What Are The Benefits of This Study?

  • Fairness: Identify and correct any pay gaps to ensure staff performing comparable work are paid equitably.
  • Transparency: Provide valuable insights into our compensation practices, fostering trust and confidence.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with state and federal equal pay laws.
  • Recruitment and Retention: Enhance recruitment and retention by building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce.

When Do We Conduct These Studies?

On average, we perform these comprehensive studies every three years. The average study takes 4 to 6 months to complete between the data gathering, analysis, discussion and feedback and final implementation of any recommended changes. 

Who Should I Contact if I Have Questions about the Study?

Please reach out to Compensation Services at [email protected].