

Rewiring the Brain with Light: Novel optical synapses link cells through photon transmission

A collaborative team of researchers, working across fields of study, has found a new wa


Study uncovers the impact of Mechanical Affective Touch Therapy on brain connectivity, its relationship with anxiety disorders

In a new study, a team of Brown University researchers affiliated with the Carney Insti


Year in Review: 2021 in stories

Amidst the many challenges of 2021, researchers in Brown University's Carney Institute for Brain


Seven postdocs from multiple universities to speak at Carney's BrainExPo seminar series

Seven postdoctoral researchers from universities throughout the United States have been selected


Study reveals how humans learn hidden motives to achieve accurate social prediction

Humans are uniquely capable of predicting the behavior of other humans in a vast array


Improving mental health through computational neuroscience

Researchers at Brown University’s Robert J. and Nancy D.

Carney In The News

Can we end Alzheimer’s?
