(See: “alumni designations”)
Editorial Style Guide
parent designations
Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for Brown University
Acceptable to use “Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion action plan” when writing for noncampus audiences. Brown’s plan for realizing its commitment to diversity, released in February 2016. Italicize in all instances.
(See: “DIAP, DDIAP”)
Christina H. Paxson
Always include the president’s middle initial. Reference her parent affiliation only when used for a highly targeted audience such as other Brown parents, Family Weekend communications and/or targeted fundraising materials.
people of color
Historically refers to peoples of ethnic minority groups born in the United States — U.S. born, not of European ancestry — including individuals who are multiracial (not international students or immigrants).
Express all percentages as figures and use the % sign rather than “percent” in copy. Do not use a space between the number and the %. This style reflects a 2019 update to Associated Press style, which previously called for the word to be spelled out.
- 3%
- 130%
- The exam is 60% of the final grade.
Use only a single space after a period at the end of a sentence.
phone numbers
Use hyphens to separate phone numbers. Always include area codes to allow readability by mobile devices.
- Call the Office of College Admission at 401-863-2378.
possessives and apostrophes
In most cases, the possessive is formed by the addition of an apostrophe and an “s” for singular nouns:
- the library’s staff
To indicate possession by multiple individuals or groups, add the possessive only on the final item in the series:
- Jane, Sam and David’s apartment
For plural nouns ending in “s,” add only an apostrophe:
- states’ rights
For plural nouns not ending in “s,” add an apostrophe before the “s”:
- women’s rights
Singular common nouns ending in “s” are made possessive by adding “’s,” unless the next word begins with “s.”
- the witness’s answer
- the witness’ story
Singular proper names ending with “s” are made possessive by adding an apostrophe:
- Sherlock Holmes’ reasoning abilities did not fail him.
- Katrina James’ class met yesterday.
Use an “s” without an apostrophe after the year to indicate spans of decades or centuries.
- The organization was founded in the 1880s.
Used as a noun for a person engaged in postdoctoral research. Use postdoctoral as an adjective.
- She is a postdoc in neuroscience.
- They received funding through the postdoctoral fellowship.
presidents of Brown University (past)
Always refer to past presidents with “former” preceding their title on first reference. Use their names as they appear on the website for past presidents:
Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME)
publication names
Do not italicize publication names or place them in quotes.
- The findings were published on Feb. 16 in the journal Science.
(See: “titles of works”)