Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP) courses

The Department of Sociology at Brown University offers a variety of courses that meet the Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP) designation. RPP courses highlight Brown’s commitment to the intellectual study of race, racial formations, inequality, and social justice. These courses examine issues of structural inequality, racial formations and/or disparities, and systems of power within a complex pluralistic world. 

To learn more about RPP courses, and to download Reports of the Task Force on Diversity in the Curriculum, visit Examining Race, Power and Privilege

Courses Titles Instructors
Spring 2024    
SOC 0010 Social Forces: An Introduction to Sociology Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 0300I From Macro to Micro: Experiencing Education (In)equality in and beyond Schools Prudence Carter
SOC 1155 Borderlands Lisa Di Carlo
SOC 1490 Power, Knowledge and Justice in Global Social Change Michael D. Kennedy
Fall 2023    
SOC 0010 Social Forces: An Introduction to Sociology Lisa Di Carlo
SOC 0030 Race, Immigration, and the Making of Inequality Laura López-Sanders
SOC 0315 International Migration Lisa Di Carlo
SOC 1116 Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass Incarceration Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 1872E Global Sociology: Capitalism, Colonialism and the Making of the Modern World Jose Itzigsohn
SOC 1872G First-Generation College Students: A Sociological Perspective: A Sophomore Seminar Gregory C. Elliot
SOC 1872O Critical Race Theory Rosalind Chou
SOC 1873D Inequality of Infant Health Emily Rauscher
Spring 2023    
SOC 0010 Social Forces: An Introduction to Sociology Lisa Di Carlo
SOC 0300I From Macro to Micro: Experiencing Education (In)equality in and beyond Schools Prudence Carter
SOC 0300N Social Inequality: Change and Continuity in the U.S. Emily Rauscher
SOC 0300R The Sociology of Race Laura López-Sanders
SOC 1116 Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass Incarceration Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 1270 Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the Modern World Jose Itzigsohn
SOC 1490 Power, Knowledge and Justice in Global Social Change Michael D. Kennedy
SOC 1871B Sociological Perspectives on Poverty Gregory C. Elliot
SOC 1872O Critical Race Theory Rosalind Chou
SOC 1873T Contemporary Social Theory Nur Bavbek
Fall 2022    
SOC 0010 Social Forces: An Introduction to Sociology Michael D. Kennedy
SOC 0250 An Environmental Sociology for a Rapidly Warming World Scott A. Frickel
SOC 0135 International Migration Laura López-Sanders
SOC 1872C Race and Ethnic Relations, Identity, and Inequality Zhenchao Qian
SOC 1873C Cities of the Global South Amanda Ball