- Professor
- Department Chair
106 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Sociology of Religion; Inequality and Poverty; Urban Sociology; Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality; Black Youth Education; African American Studies.
- Assistant Professor
209 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Population Health, Social Demography, Aging and the Lifecourse, Race and Racism, Immigration, Medical Sociology
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Assistant Professor
302 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Urban Sociology, Stratification, Education, Neighborhoods and Schools, Neighborhood Change, Racial/Ethnic Inequality, Spatial Analysis
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30pm and by appointment.
- Professor
- Director, Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America
410 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Culture, Race, Class, and Gender; Poverty and Inequality; Sociology of Education
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Professor
Watson 261
Research Interests
Global Political Economy, Global and Transnational Sociology, Development, Global Health, Comparative Historical Sociology, International Organizations, Social Theory
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate
210 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Racial attitudes, Racism, Religion, Social Psychology
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate
304-2 Mencoff Hall
Research Interests
Quantitative and Computational Methods, Social Network Analysis, Bayesian Inference, Causal Inference, Survey Methods, Social Capital
- Senior Lecturer
- Interim Organizational Studies Track Lead Advisor
404 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Public Anthropology, Innovation and Social Change, Theories of Learning, Migration and Identity, Mediterranean and US
Office Hours: Fridays 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Professor
Research Interests
Race, Class, Sociology of Education, Inequality, Organizations, Social Policy
- Associate Professor
- Professor
202 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Methods and Statistics, Social Psychology, The Self and Its Relation to Social Systems
Office Hours: Mondays 2-3pm, Wednesdays 1-2pm
- Professor
- Director of Research - IBES
211 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Environment-Society Interactions, Experts and Knowledge/Ignorance, Social Movements, Social Theory, Risk and Disaster, Urbanization
Office Hours: Mondays 2:30pm -4:30pm and by appointment.
- Associate Professor
205 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Mondays: 11am-12pm (outside of CIT 219), Wednesdays: 9am-10am (Maxcy Hall), Fridays: 11am-12pm (outside of CIT 219)
- Professor
200 Maxcy Hall, and 356 Watson Institute
Research Interests
Development, Political Sociology, Comparative Political Economy, Democratization, Social Movements
Office Hours: Thursdays 1-3pm
- Professor
203 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Du Boisian Sociology, Decolonizing Sociological Theory, Racialized Modernity, Racial and Colonial Capitalism, Alternative and Solidarity Economies
Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-1:30pm
- Professor
- Director, Population Studies and Training Center
303 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Stratification, Demography, Education, Health, Children and Families
Office Hours: Tuesdays from 9:30am-11:30am
- Professor
226 Watson
Research Interests
Knowledge Cultural Sociology, Global and Transnational Sociology, Critical and Public Sociology; Contemplative Studies; USA, Europe and Eurasia
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10-11:00am and 3:00-4:30pm
- Professor
- Director, Masters in Social Data Analytics
201 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Demography, Migration, Reproductive Change, Latin America and Africa
Office Hours: Thursdays 4pm-6pm
- Professor
301 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Urban Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Migration and Immigration, Family, Political Sociology
Office Hours: By Appointment only.
- Assistant Professor
411 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Immigration, Race and Ethnic Relations, Inequality, Social Policy
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2pm-3pm
- Assistant Professor
401 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Inequality, work, gender, race and ethnicity, organizations, and labor markets
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Assistant Professor
407 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Gender, Sexualities, Race & Ethnicity, Education, Children & Youth, Qualitative Methods
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Associate Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, AB Sociology and Organizational Studies
405 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Finance, Qualitative Methods, Theory
Office Hours: Fridays 2pm-4pm
- Professor
303 Mencoff Hall, and 206 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Social Demography, Stratification, Family, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity
Office Hours: By appointment only.
- Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies
400 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Inequality, Education, Demography, Health
Office Hours: Thursdays 10am-12pm and by appointment
- Assistant Professor
Watson 208
Research Interests
Bureaucracy, Energy & Environment, Environmental Justice, Political Economy, Social Movements, Environmental Sociology, Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Organizations, Public Policy
- Professor
Research Interests
Sociology of Climate Change Impacts, Causes, and Policy; International Development; Environmental Justice
Office Hours: On sabbatical.
- Associate Professor
250 Watson
Research Interests
Law, Gender, Social Movements, Political Economy of Development, and Violence
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:15-3:30pm
- Professor
307 Watson Institute
Research Interests
Comparative Sociology: Political, Economic, Historical
- Professor
112 Mencoff Hall, and 204 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Gender; Social Demography; Global Population Health; Inequality; and Methods.
Office Hours: By appointment only
- Senior Lecturer
- Associate Director, Masters in Social Data Analytics
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sc.B. Social Analysis & Research
207 Maxcy Hall
Research Interests
Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation, Research Methodology, Family Demography & Gender
Office Hours: Mondays 12:00-2:00pm via Zoom
- Professor
University Hall 109
Research Interests
Environment and Development, Household Demography, Migration, Population and Environment
Office Hours: By Appointment.
- Assistant Professor
IBES 305, Maxcy 408
Research Interests
Political Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Race/Ethnicity, Sociology of Culture, Social Psychology, Organizational Theory, Social Theory, Computational Methods, Experimental Methods
Office Hours, IBES Room 305: By appointment only.
- Assistant Professor
Watson 242
Research Interests
Cybersecurity, Social Movements, Digital Surveillance, Computational Social Science, Statistical Methodology
- Professor Emerita of Sociology
Columbia UniversityResearch Interests
Nonprofit and Non-Governmental Organizations, Medical Sociology, Community-based Care
- C.V. Starr Professor Emerita of Commerce, Organizations, and Entrepreneurship
- Professor Emerita of Sociology
Ph.D. Stanford UniversityResearch Interests
Sociology of Organizations, Healthcare Organizations, Professions, Health and Medical Sociology
- Professor Emerita of Sociology
University of PennsylvaniaResearch Interests
Demography, Labor Force, Women's Roles, Families and Households
- Professor Emeritus of Sociology
- Ungerleider Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies
Brown University -
- Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Research Interests
Development, Political Sociology, Critical Theory, Caribbean Studies
- Robert E. Turner Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Population Studies and Sociology
University of WisconsinResearch Interests
Demography, Life Course, Adolescence, Disability
- Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Urban Studies
University of ChicagoResearch Interests
Development, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology
- Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Research Interests
Sociological Theory, Comparative Historical Analysis, Development, Democracy, Social Welfare Policy
- Professor Emerita of Urban Studies and Sociology
Research Interests
Urban Sociology, Housing and Social Policies, Comparative Stratification, Social Exclusion and Poverty
- Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Research Interests
Demography, Migration, Urban Sociology, Social Policy, Africa
Affiliate Faculty
- Associate Professor of American Studies
- Lecturer, Department of Sociology
- Kathleen Flores Women's Rugby Head Coach
171 Cushing St. Pembroke Field House
- Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies
Nicholson House (71 George St)
- Professor of Population Studies and Environment and Society (Research)
- Associate Professor (Research) of Population Studies
- Director, Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences (S4)
- Assistant Professor of Education
- Assistant Professor of American Studies
- Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs
401 863 6350
111 Thayer Street, Room 355