ASA: Bouek, Hammer, Pacewicz win Awards

Ph.D. student Jennifer Bouek has won the Organizations, Occupation, and Work Section's James Thompson Award for her paper, "Navigating Networks: How Nonprofit Network Membership Shapes Response to Resource Scarcity." Social Problems 65(1): 11-32.

Ph.D. student Ricarda Hammer has won both the PEWS Terence K. Hopkins Student Paper Award and the Peace, War and Social Conflict Section Elise Boulding Student Paper Award for her paper “Towards a Sociology of Colonial Subjectivity: Political Agency in Haiti and Liberia”, forthcoming in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Brown Sociology Faculty Josh Pacewicz's book "Partisans and Partners: The Politics of the Post-Keynesian Society" (University of Chicago Press) also won this year's Theory Award (from the ASA's Theory Section).