STAR T32 Training Program FAQs

Where do I apply?
Please submit your formal application through the Brown DPHB portal.

Who should I list for a mentor?
To maximize the opportunity to develop specific expertise, yet encourage exploration of new or complementary research areas, the STAR T32 employs a dual mentorship structure. This model matches fellows with a primary mentor in the stress, trauma, and resilience field. In addition, trainees match with a secondary mentor to provide additional perspective and training experiences.  

Will it hurt my chances to apply to other Brown DPHB postdoctoral fellowships?
We encourage you to apply to all positions that are a good fit for your interests.  As you can see on the training program website, our faculty provide mentorship through a number of mechanisms.

If I were to take a fellowship at Brown DPHB through another postdoc opportunity, will I still get to be involved with the STAR Initiative?
We encourage all trainees to speak with their mentors about opportunities that are a good fit for areas where they wish to grow. Trainees who are funded under a range of mechanisms are involved in the STAR Initiative.

What if I’m not sure who I want to work with at STAR?
Apply! Take a guess at who seems like a good fit for your application. It is always ok to list more than one potential primary mentor. 

Can I talk with someone now to help me decide whether to apply or who I should apply to work with?
In order to ensure that this process is fair for all applicants, we will need to hold off on any formal conversations until after applications are received and interviews have been offered. In the interim, feel free to follow us on social media or check back to our website for updates!

What if my degree is not in psychology/psychiatry?
We welcome applications from candidates across numerous disciplines as many areas of study bring important context to the study of stress, trauma, and resilience.

I have a F32 or a T32 now, am I still eligible?
NIH guidelines permit a total of 3 years of funding through the T32/F32 mechanisms. Accordingly, you are welcome to apply as long as you have not already completed 3 years of funding.

What if I get another offer before I hear back about the STAR T32 position?
Please reach out to us! We adhere to the APA guidelines for reviewing and notifying applicants but (in some cases) if you have another offer we may be able to move up our timeline to accommodate you.