Faculty Research and Travel Funding Opportunities

Please note: this list has been created as a resource for the faculty in the East Asian Studies Department. We are not responsible for errors, omissions, or changes in deadlines. Please contact the sponsoring department for further information.

Opportunity Sponsoring Department Eligibility Deadline
Course Development Grants Swearer Center Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students Rolling basis
Faculty Development Funds Dean of the Faculty Voting members of the Brown Campus-based faculty April 30th
Lectureship Funds Dean of the Faculty See site for details April 15th
Faculty Research and Travel Fund Office of Faculty Governance Voting members of the Brown campus-based faculty May 15th
Engaged Course Development Mini-Grant Swearer Center Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students June
Engaged Course Development Grant Swearer Center Graduate students, Doctoral students, Masters students, All employees, Faculty, Staff, Postdoctoral fellows


Humanities Initiative Programming Fund Cogut Institute for the Humanities All Brown University faculty are eligible to apply April 1 and October 15
Cogut Programming Co-sponsorship Cogut Institute for the Humanities All Brown University students, faculty, research associates, and postdoctoral fellows are eligible. Individuals may apply on behalf of a student group or a department Rolling basis
Cogut Faculty Fellowship Cogut Institute for the Humanities See application for details Contact the Cogut Institute for more info
Collaborative Humanities Course Award Cogut Institute for the Humanities See application for details Contact the Cogut Institute for more info
Salomon Faculty Research Award Office of the Vice President for Research Any Brown faculty member whose research is administered through Brown is eligible. See application November
GELT (Global Experiential Teaching and Learning) Program Dean of the College

Be salaried members of the Brown faculty. All regular members of the Brown faculty are eligible. Non-regular faculty members must be paid by Brown (i.e., not an independent contractor) and must have an appointment term that extends through the expected semester of course travel

Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows Program Sheridan Center Assistant professors and lecturers are eligible August
Brown Arts Initiative (R&D) Grants Brown Arts Initiative Brown adjunct faculty, post-doctoral fellows and MFA or PhD students with teaching responsibilities are eligible to apply. However, you must be teaching at Brown for two semesters following the grants application period. In other words, if you apply in Spring 2018, you must be under contract to teach at Brown through the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters January-March
Pembroke Center Seed Grants Pembroke Center One faculty project director, plus a minimum of one additional faculty member from a different field. See application for additional requirements April