Video Available

Stop & Frisk Teach-in

Salomon 101

Brown University professors offer brief commentaries on the racial implications and various aspects of policing practices like Stop and Frisk, before opening the floor for discussion.

Stefano Bloch, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Urban Studies Program and Cogut Center for the Humanities

Nancy Khalek, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

Linda Quiquivix, Postdoctoral Fellow in Critical Global Humanities, Cogut Center for the Humanities

Tricia Rose, Director, CSREA

CultureStr/ke [VIDEO]

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:00 am to Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:00 pm

September 2013 - February 2014

From the criminalization of migrants through deportation to the undocumented and queer intersectionality, this collection of artworks explores different aspects of the immigrant experience. All of the artists in this collection  are part of CultureStr/ke, a national network of professional and emerging artists, social change experts, and creative producers who are advancing progressive change in immigration through cultural organizing. The organization's mission is to work towards a society that recognizes and embraces migration and migrant experiences.
