Onsite Programs

Please note that most wellness programs are currently being held via Zoom. 

Contact [email protected] with any questions.


Movement and Mobility Yoga

This class incorporates yoga-like movements to increase your mobility, or how your body moves doing everyday things. Join Jessie Dwiggins for this rejuvenating webinar series. Each class in the three-part series will focus on a different area of the body: shoulders, hips, and spine. You'll learn functional movements to improve your joint range of motion and posture while alleviating some everyday tweaks and twinges. Sign up for one class or join all three. Participation in any of the three sessions counts as the fitness program towards 2024 Wellness Rewards. 


Session #3

Wednesday, July 31

12-1 PM









Quarterly Market Update

Join Fidelity to get the latest update on the markets, including U.S. Equity, International Equity, and Fixed Income markets, as well as macro- and micro-economic updates. This financial webinar counts toward 2024 Wellness Rewards. 


Tuesday, August 6

12-1 PM









Satisfying Snacks

Eating a healthy snack between meals can curb your appetite, keep your energy up, and help feed your brain. Join this informative webinar on to learn the elements of a well-rounded snack, and get some tips and recipes for easy, healthy snacks at home or on the go! This session counts as a wellness program toward 2024 Wellness Rewards.


Wednesday, August 7

12-1 PM









Strength and Tone

Strength and Tone is designed to strengthen major muscle groups of the body. A certified instructor will lead participants through a series of exercises using their own body weight to build strength and tone muscle. With minimal space and no special equipment needed, you can participate in this fitness webinar just about anywhere! This session counts as a fitness program toward 2024 Wellness Rewards. 


Tuesday, August 13

12-1 PM









Vegetarian Value

The research on the benefits of a plant-based diet is plentiful, but a vegetarian diet must be balanced in order to reap the benefits. Join Wellness Workdays to learn how to create a balanced, vegetarian, or vegan diet and discover which supplements (if any!) are necessary to maintain good health. This webinar counts as a wellness program toward 2024 Wellness Rewards.


Wednesday, August 14

12-1 PM









How to Work in Two Places at Once - Hybrid Work Tips for Home & Office

This presentation offers tips and techniques on how to stay organized and how to manage the flow of work in a hybrid work environment. Certified Professional Organizer Lisa Griffith will address larger concepts, such as dealing with mindset, increasing flexibility, setting up functional systems that can work in multiple settings, and then drill down to practical content which can be immediately implemented. Topics include flexible home office set-up for various living situations, dealing with paper and digital files in dual spaces, planning and scheduling, establishing routines, dealing with interruptions and enhancing communication with both colleagues and those at home. The goal of this presentation is to give participants the tools to increase their comfort and maintain peak productivity in working from any setting – office or home. This webinar counts as a wellness program toward 2024 Wellness Rewards.


Tuesday, August 20

12-1 PM









Tired of Being Sleepy

Sufficient sleep is not a luxury- it's a necessity and should be thought of as a "vital sign" of good health. The way you feel while you are awake depends in part on what happens when you are sleeping. While sleeping, your body is repairing tissues, consolidating your memories, releasing hormones that regulate growth and appetite, restoring energy and boosting the immune system. In this webinar, participants will learn about the importance of sleep, the consequences due to lack of sleep, and strategies to optimize their sleep routines. This session counts as a wellness program toward 2024 Wellness Rewards.


Thursday, August 22

12-1 PM









Downsizing Your Home

At some point, most of us will think about downsizing either for ourselves, our parents, grandparents, or in-laws. Sorting through a lifetime of possessions can be complicated. Join Professional Organizer Janine Cavanaugh and learn her Seven Step Downsizing Action Plan that is easy to initiate, follow, and complete. This wellness webinar counts toward 2024 Wellness Rewards.


Wednesday, August 28

12-1 PM










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Information contained in this site is general in nature and for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to replace consultation with medical providers nor should be construed as medical advice.  If you have a specific health care need or require complete information, please check with your health care provider.  Links to various web sites from this site are provided for your convenience only and do not constitute or imply an endorsement by Brown University of these sites and assumes no liability for the currency, accuracy, or availability of the information on the sites we link to or the care provided by the resources listed therein.