Brown’s Alternative Work Assignments (AWAs) offer innovative approaches to meeting the University’s operational needs while promoting balance between work and personal life for its staff. Depending on the needs of the department, AWAs may be a beneficial alternative to the University’s regular work schedule that allows the University to meet business needs while providing greater workplace flexibility.
Brown’s AWA Policy
The Alternative Work Assignments (AWA) policy applies to all staff employees except where assignments are governed by collective bargaining agreements. An AWA is a discretionary agreement between Brown University and an employee that may include modifications to a work schedule, work location and other arrangements that differ from a department’s usual operating standards and practices.
Guide to AWAs at Brown
Brown has provided these pages as a guide to help all AWA-eligible staff, as well as staff and faculty members who approve AWA agreements, to comply with Brown University’s AWA policy and to understand how to establish or request a change to an AWA.
If there is a conflict between the language on these pages and the AWA policy, the AWA policy will prevail. If there is a conflict between the language in one of Brown’s union collective bargaining agreements and these pages or the AWA policy, the union contract language will prevail.
The information in these pages does not attempt to address the special requirements of all employees or positions. Please contact University Human Resources if this information does not address your situation.