Graduate Alumnae/i


  • Christopher Leo Jotischky, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Latin Poetics of Modern Greek Prose, 1821-1945"

  • Marko Vitas, Ph.D. in Classics, M.A. in Assyriology and Egyptology

    Dissertation: "The Myth of Destruction Beyond Floods and Wars: An Essay in Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Literature"


  • Christopher Ell, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Pass the Wine: Drinking, Dining, and the Formation of Social Structure and Cultural Identity in the Connected Mediterranean and Near East, ca. 800-450 BCE"


  • Stevie Hull, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Education in the Cosmos: Augustine’s Platonic Curriculum of Philosophy and Rhetoric"

  • Avichai Kapach, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Contradiction and Truth in Euripides: A Study of the Trojan Women, Helen, and Orestes"

  • Kelly Nguyen, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Vercingetorix in Vietnam: Classical Inheritance and Vietnamese Ambivalence"


  • Justin Byrd, M.A.

  • Gaia Gianni, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Fictive Kinship and Roman Childhood: A Social History"

  • Trigg Settle, M.A.

    Thesis: "Trauma and The Interpretation of Tragedy"

  • Erika Valdivieso, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Virgilian Imitatio in Colonial Latin America"


  • Elliston P. Bissell, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Primacy and Subsumption in Greco-Roman Epic Literature"

  • Sam Caldis, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Brothers, Colleagues, and Power in Imperial Rome"

  • Luther Karper, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Epigraphic Representations of Warfare and Polis Agency in the Late Hellenistic Era (168-31 BCE)"

  • Mahmoud Samori, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "A Minor History of Peace"

  • Michiel van Veldhuizen, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Divining Disaster: Signs of Catastrophe in Ancient Greek Culture"


  • Keith Fairbank, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "A Dividing Sea: The Adriatic World from the First to the Fourth Centuries BC"

  • Darrel Janzen, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Outsider Within: Self-Seclusion by the Roman Elite from Tiberius to Hadrian"

  • Meghan Lescault, M.A.

  • Daria Resh, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Metaphrasis in Byzantine Hagiography: The Early History of The Genre"

  • Jennifer Swalec, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Female Agency, Dress, and the Social Fabric of Ancient Greece"


  • Dominic Machado, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Communities and Collective Action in the Republican Army"

  • Jennifer Lewton Yates, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Ancient Novels and the Tragic Tradition"


  • Bryan Brinkman, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Popular Collective Speech and the Communication of Ideology: Acclamation in the Roman Empire"

  • Joseph Kurz, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Barcid Empire? An Economic, Social, and Political Study of Imperial Interactions between Carthaginians and Locals in Southern Iberia"

  • Rachel Philbrick, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Disruptive Verse: Hyperbole and the Hyperbolic Persona in Ovid's Exile Poetry"

  • Adrianne Troia, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Epitaph for Bion: Agonism and Fictional Biography as Literary Criticism in Late Bucolic"


  • Barbara Blythe, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Petronius' Satyrica: A Novel of Mystic Initiation"

  • Scott DiGiulio, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Aulus Gellius, the Noctes Atticae, and the Literary Logic of Miscellany under the High Roman Empire"

  • Karen (Kelly) Jones, M.A.

    Thesis: "Raised Voices: Seneca’s Ghost Scenes as Microcosms of the Tragedies"

  • Byron MacDougall, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Gregory of Nazianzus and Christian Festival Rhetoric" 

  • Anne (McEnroe) McDonald, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Plutarch and the Philosophical Dialogue" 

  • Tara Mulder, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Fetal Actors, Female Bodies: Childbirth in the Roman Empire"

  • Anne Rabe, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Innovation and Invective in Cicero's Violent Metaphors"

  • Matthew Wellenbach, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Choruses for Dionysus: Studies in the History of Dithyramb and Tragedy"


  • Joseph McDonald, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Narrating Impiety in Ancient Greece"

  • Mitchell Parks, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "City of Praise: The Politics of Encomium in Classical Athens"


  • Timothy Haase, Ph.D.

    Dissertation:"Watching the World Unravel: Juvenal's Satirical Mechanics" 

  • Jeanmarie Stimson, M.A.


  • David Berger, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Plato's Lesser Hippias:  Translation and Commentary"

  • Christopher Geggie, M.A.

  • Leo Landrey, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Valerius Flaccus' Roman Epic"

  • Robin McGill, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Aligning Myths and Experience: The Sanctification of Time in Early Christian Latin Hymns"

  • Melissa Sassin, M.A.


  • Lauren Donovan Ginsberg, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Literary and Ideological Memory in the Octavia"

  • Christopher Welser, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Demos and Dioikesis: Public Finance and Democratic Ideology in Fourth-Century B.C. Athens"


  • Alexander Alderman, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Serio-comic Elements in Xenophon's Socratic Writings"

  • Peter Lech, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Gender, Social Status and Discourse in Roman Comedy"

  • Asya Sigelman, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Xenia and the Unity of Time in Pindar’s Victory Odes"

  • Mark Thatcher, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "A Variable Tapestry: Identity and Politics in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy"

  • William Torterelli, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Lyric Wisdom: Alcaeus and the Tradition of Paraenetic Poetry"

  • David Yates, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Remembering the Persian War Differently"


  • William Appleton, M.A.

  • Sarah Dawson, M.A.

  • Jeffrey Hunt, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Fiction and Mimesis in the Idylls of Theocritus"

  • Keeley Schell, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Vergil's Self-Referential Simile: Thematic Construction Through Internal Allusion in the Aeneid"

  • Cynthia Swanson, M.A.


  • Adam Bravo, M.A.

    Thesis: "An Examination of the Speeches of Julian in Ammianus Marcellinus"

  • Kevin Patterson, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "A Christian Virgil: The Function of Virgilian References in the Writings of Aldhelm"

  • Jennifer Thomas, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Staging Empire: The Manipulation of Place and Time in Lucan's Bellum Civile"

  • Christopher Trinacty, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Character is Destiny: Senecan Tragedy and Ovid"

  • Ed Wong, M.A.


  • Eva Cieloszyk, M.A.

    Thesis: "Tacitus' Narrative Techniques and the Role of the Eastern Digressions in the Neronian Hexad"

  • Bret Mulligan, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Carmina Sola Loquor: The Poetics of Claudian's Carmina Minora"


  • Alon Navot, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Similes of the Real in Virgil's Aeneid"

  • Sarah Nix, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Characterization of Caesar in Lucan's Bellum Civile"


  • Max Leo Goldman, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Problems of Voice in Petronius"

  • Carol Jane King, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Alexander and Divination: Dreams, Omens, and Aristander of Telmessus in the Alexander Historians"

  • Joseph Gerard Leichter, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Zij as-Sanjari of Gregory Chioniades: Text, Translation, and Greek-to-Arabic Glossary"

  • Joshua Slocum, M.A.

  • Sarah Smart, M.A.

    Thesis: "Things Fall Apart: Lucan's Allusions to Lucretius' Perished World"

  • Heather L. Vincent

    Dissertation: "Ieiunum Odium: A Theory of Humor in Juvenal"


  • Suzanne Abrams Rebillard, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Speaking of Salvation: Gregory of Nazianzus as Poet and Priest in his Autobiographical Poems"         

  • John Dayton, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Athletes of War: An Evaluation of the Agonistic Elements in Greek Warfare"

  • Preston Edwards, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "On the Christian Alexandrianism of Gregory of Nazianzus"

  • Michael Fontaine, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Sophisticated Paraprosdokian in Plautus"


  • Malcolm Hyman, obiit

    Dissertation: "Barbarism and Solecism in Ancient Grammatical Thought"


  • Antonios Augoustakis, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Facta virum sileo: Re-Constructing Female Action in Silius Italicus' Punica"

  • Edward L. deBoo, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Puns on Plato's Name in The Republic"


  • Ruth Rothaus Caston, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Elegiac Passion: A Study of Jealousy in Roman Love Elegy"

  • Heath Martin, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Spontaneous Generation and Aristotle's Hierarchy of Animal Life"

  • Mark J. Sundahl, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Use of Statutes in the Seven Extant and graphe nomon me epitedeion theinai Speeches"


  • R. Anthony Kugler, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Representations of Self and Audience in the Phrygian And Cicilian Orations of Dio Chrysostom"

  • Raymond Marks, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Scipio Africanus in the Punica of Silius Italicus"

  • Matthew Munich, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Past Perfect: Images of the Past in Cicero, Lucretius and Catullus"

  • Philip Thibodeau, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Wonders  of a World.  Essays on Vergil's Fourth Georgic"


  • Anthony Hollingsworth, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Recitation and the Stage: The Performance of Senecan Tragedy"

  • Vassiliki Panoussi, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Epic Transfigured: Tragic Allusiveness in Vergil's Aeneid"

  • Shilpa Raval, obiit

    Dissertation: "Pudibunda Ora: Gender, Sexuality and Language in Ovid's Metamorphoses"

  • Nicholas Sterling, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Laconic Persuasion:  Rhetorical Arrangement of Events in Xenophon's Hellenika"


  • Gregory Bucher, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Prolegomena to a Commentary on Appian's Bellum Civile, Book 2"

  • Carolin Hahnemann, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Incarnating Democracy: The Role of Theseus in the Tragedies of Aischylos, Sophokles and Euripides"

  • Ben J. Hennelly, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Transcendence and Implication:  The Two Visions of Virgil's Georgics"

  • Joseph S. Houser, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Philosophy of Musonius Rufus:  A Study of Applied Ethics in the Late Stoa"

  • Marc Mastrangelo, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Psychomachia of Prudentius:  A Reappraisal of the Greek Sources and Origins of Allegory"


  • Margaret Graver, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Therapeutic Reading and Seneca's Moral Epistles"

  • Steven Rutledge, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Literary, Cultural, and Historical Background of Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus"


  • Faith Sandstrom, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Silver Soteira Coinage of Cyzicus in the Fourth Century B.C."

  • Catherine M. Torigian, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Poetic Allegory and Roman Reality in Three Carmina"


  • Geoffrey Bakewell, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Producing the Polis: Political and Legal Terminology in Aeschylus"

  • James J. Kennelly, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "Thucydides' Knowledge of Herodotus"

  • Jacob Rabinowitz, Ph.D.

    Dissertation: "The Origin of the Witch in Classical Antiquity: Demonization of The Fertility Goddess"