Graduate Students

  • Photo of Mac Carley

    Classics, Entry Year: 2018

    Mac Carley's work focuses on space and spatial theory in the ancient Mediterranean. Mac's dissertation, titled "Dramatic Space, Culture, and Performance in Republican Italy", seeks to bring together disparate methodologies to form a more integrated and interdisciplinary view of ancient spectacle and spectacular space. 


    Maggie Danaher received her MSt in Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures from the University of Oxford (Worcester College) in 2021 and her BA in Classical Studies and Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania in 2020. She is interested in Greek and Roman comedy, the ancient novel, and translation studies.

  • Classics, Entry Year: 2018

    Benjamin Driver is a PhD candidate writing a dissertation which is for now cumbersomely entitled "Per Fraudem Terram Movere: Encomium, Catasterism, and Apotheosis via Intertextuality in the Copernican Revolution." The dissertation is a literary history covering the years 1460-1810 that investigates how panegyrical peritexts (mostly dedicatory epistles and poems) of Latin astronomical treatises lent credence to new discoveries by allusively coöpting classical authorities.

  • Caitlin Fennerty

    Classics, Entry Year: 2017

    Caitlin earned her BA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Caitlin’s current research has focused on the Odyssey, and the ways this text may express Archaic self-conscious reflection on the tension between poetic artifice and truth.

  • Macfarlane House from the front

    Classics, Entry Year: 2017

    Ella completed a BA and MSt at the University of Oxford before moving to the USA to teach various classical courses for two years at Marlboro College, a small liberal arts college in Vermont.


    Sonja received her B.A. in Classical Studies from Western Washington University in 2018, and then her M.A. in Classical Studies from McGill University in 2021. Her master’s papers explored reception of Catullus’ mourning poems & fragmentation of/in the corpus of Sappho.

  • Douglas Hill

    Classics, Entry Year: 2016

    Doug studied Religion at Columbia University School of General Studies, where he graduated summa cum laude. Doug’s interests currently include Lucretius and Apuleius and their attitudes toward religion.


    Ronnie received her MA in Classics after receiving a BA in Classics and General History, both from Tel Aviv University. Prior to joining Brown, she taught high-school-level history and founded a digital platform and podcast for public historical education. Her interests include Cicero's philosophical writing, the intersection of historiography and political thought in antiquity, and political culture in Rome. 

  • Clare photo

    Classics, Entry Year: 2020

    Clare came to Brown in 2020, after receiving her BA with a double major in Classics and Comparative Literature from The University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on representations of raced and gendered social marginality in Greek fiction written under the Roman Empire. 

  • Ancient History, Entry Year: 2019

    Itamar Levin is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the Department of Classics, specializing in ancient history. His research combines traditional philology with contemporary frameworks to explore the relationship between power and culture in ancient Greek society.

  • Classics, Entry Year: 2022

    Kiran Pizarro Mansukhani received his MA in Classics from The Graduate Center, CUNY in 2022 and an AB in Philosophy from Bryn Mawr College in 2017. His interests include ancient Greek epistemology, ancient philosophy more broadly, and the reception of Plato in South and Southeast Asian political thought. 

  • Lucy McInerney

    Classics, Entry Year: 2017

    Lucy received her MPhil in Greek and Latin Languages and Literature from the University of Oxford in 2017, after having graduated from Dickinson College in 2015 with a BA in Classical Studies. While she remains interested in questions of identity and self-representation in the late Republic, Lucy is particularly looking forward to broadening her knowledge of ancient authors at Brown.

  • Macfarlane House from the front

    Classics, Entry Year: 2014

    Alvaro earned his B.A. in Classical Studies from Santa Clara University in 2011 and his M.A. in Classics from the University of Arizona in 2014, where he received awards for ancient Greek and academic excellence. Alvaro's research revolves primarily around Augustan literature and its transmission.

  • Classics, Entry Year: 2016

    Fiona earned her BA in Literae Humaniores from the University of Oxford (New College) in 2016.  Her interests include epic and the treatment of nature in ancient literature.

  • Nick Trcalek received a Bachelor’s degree in History and Classics summa cum laude from Texas A&M University in 2020 and a Master’s degree in Classical Studies with Historical Emphasis from Tufts University in 2023. His Master’s thesis, entitled “Mapping the Via Hadrumetina and its Roman Period Landscape”, investigated settlement and land use in an important agricultural and political region of Africa Proconsularis. His interests lie in all things pertaining to the ancient world, but, in particular, the Early and Middle Roman Republic as well as North Africa throughout all periods of antiquity."

  • Preston Walker

    Classics, Entry Year: 2019

    Preston received a B.A. in Classics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2013 and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Wake Forest University in 2019. For four years, Preston taught high school Latin and Classical Rhetoric.

  • Qizhen bio

    Ancient History, Entry Year: 2019, ABD

    Qizhen earned his M.A. in History at University of New Hampshire in 2019. His main interest lies in the Hellenistic world, particularly in the development of administration and bureaucracy from early to mid Hellenistic period (cir. 300-150 BCE).

  • Michael Ziegler photo

    Classics, Entry Year: 2019

    Michael received a B.A. with Highest Honors in Philosophy and a B.A. in Classics from the University of Virginia in 2015. His honors thesis dealt with competing theories of practical rationality in connection with Socrates’ theory of pleasure in Protagoras.