BCJ: Submission Guidelines

BCJ Latest VolumesWe welcome submissions of essays, original poetry, translations from ancient languages, art work, or original photographs on a classical theme, from any undergraduate with an interest in the classics. Although we anticipate that the bulk of accepted submissions will focus on Greco-Roman antiquity and on the traditions of classical antiquity in subsequent eras, we also welcome submissions that treat the cultures of any ancient society, East or West. Each student is allowed a maximum of 3 submissions.

Please send submissions to the BCJ Editors in Chief at [email protected]

All submissions are acknowledged. Each contributor will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which his/her work was published. Only submissions by Brown undergraduates will be considered for publication.

The Brown Classical Journal uses the The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition, as its guide for scholarly annotation (see Chapter 15 on the author-date style) and as its guide for conventions of spelling, punctuation, and printing. Full references should be compiled in bibliographic format at the end of each manuscript.


Submission Guidelines

  • Double space all material (including block quotes and footnotes) and leave margins of at least one inch on each side of the text. The preferred fonts are Palatino and Times New Roman.
  • Submission of a digital copy is necessary. The Brown Classical Journal is produced using Microsoft Word. Please format your submissions accordingly.
  • Each submission should include the title of the work, the author's name, concentration, mailing address, telephone number, and Brown e-mail address.
  • Block quotes of foreign languages should be followed by English translations.
  • The social science model of citation should be used throughout the manuscript in the references.
  • Leave spaces between modern authors' initials (e.g., T. S. Elliot).
  • If available, use "smart quotes" and the "en-dash" (vs. standard quotes and the double hyphen).
  • Digital copies of photographs should be submitted for consideration. When submitting a photograph, also include information for a caption, explaining the content of the photograph, where it is located, and its historical date.
  • Original artwork should be submitted as a digital photograph. Keep in mind that the final page frame is 4.5 x 7 inches. Larger submissions will be reduced to fit the page frame.

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