Safety, Education and Training Committee

The Safety, Education and Training Committee of the MRF has oversight regarding the safe operation of the 3T MRI system. The committee sets operation procedures for the MRI system; these procedures will undergo annual review, though they can be modified at any time when new safety concerns arise. Additionally, this Committee will approve training procedures for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 personnel to ensure proper use of equipment and implementation of general MRF policies and procedures. The Safety, Education and Training Committee and the Medical Director must agree to certify a user for independent operation of the MRI system. Additionally, the Committee approves and oversees requests for usage of the facility for educational purposes. In cases when coursework is proposed to occur in the MRF, the Committee includes faculty representatives appointed by the Graduate Counsel and the CCC. The Committee meets in person at least annually to review safety policy and as needed for other matters.


Current Membership


  • Michael Worden, Ph.D. (Chair) 
    Department of Neuroscience
    Telephone: (401) 863-6305
    [email protected]

  • Lynn Fanella
    MRF Facilities Manager
    Telephone: (401) 863-6513
    [email protected]

  • Hwamee Oh, Ph.D. 
    Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
    Telephone: (401) 863-3961
    [email protected]

  • Noah Philip, M.D. 
    Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
    Telephone: (401) 632-6613
    [email protected]

  • Theresa Desrochers, Ph.D. 
    Department of Neuroscience
    Telephone:  (401) 863-7126
    [email protected]