Frequently Asked Questions

Contact [email protected] if you have a question and cannot find the answer on this site.

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IACUC/ Submission FAQ

  • How can I access my protocol?

Go to and log in. There is no “www” in front of the address. If you need to request access to InfoEd, follow the instructions in the document How to Request InfoEd Access (login required).

  • If I submit my protocol today, how fast can it get approved?

It depends. Administrative Changes can typically be approved in a day or two. Anything that requires IACUC approval will take a few weeks. Please see The IACUC Review Process for more detailed information and review time averages.

  • How can I find out where my protocol is in the submission process?

The protocol dashboard window displays the protocol’s status in the upper right hand of the submission box. Click HERE to learn how to read the protocol dashboard (login required). You can also email us at any time and just ask! [email protected] 

  • When do I need to submit my protocol to ensure that it gets to the IACUC meeting?

Most protocols actually do not need to be reviewed by the full committee at a meeting. Please see IACUC Meetings and Information for dates and deadlines and The IACUC Review Process for more information on the review process.

  • What do reviewers look at when looking at my protocol?

IACUC reviewers ensure that the use of animals in your research is justified, that the procedures and experimental design are clear, and that your protocol complies with all governing regulations and institutional policies. An Example Protocol (login required) is also available to help you see what reviewers expect.

  • I submitted my de novo late and my previous protocol will expire before the de novo is approved. What do I do?

Animal research cannot be conducted if there is no approved protocol. You will need to move your animals to the Animal Holding Policy and all research activity must cease until the de novo is approved. Please contact [email protected] immediately for assistance.

  • Do I need to submit an annual continuation?

You must submit an Annual Continuation only if you have funding from the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Naval Research (ONR), or Veterans Affairs (VA). 

  • Do I need to assign animals to pain categories if my protocol does not involve USDA-covered species?

Not usually. Pain categories are only used to classify use of USDA-covered species or DoD/ONR/VA funded animals. However, if your protocol involves potentially painful or distressful procedures, you must still describe in your protocol how you will alleviate and monitor for pain and/or distress or, in the case of unrelieved pain or distress, provide a scientific justification for withholding anesthesia/analgesia. This will be reviewed by the IACUC in-depth.

  • When does the IACUC meet?

The IACUC meets the first Friday of every month from 12:30-3:00 pm

  • How do I prepare for semiannual inspections and/or regulatory site visits?

Be neat, tidy, and knowledgeable- the same things you do every day. All lab members should be prepared to speak about training in the lab, approved procedures, and Brown animal use policies. Please use the Self-Assessment Checklist  to help you prepare.

Funding FAQ

  • HELP! My JIT deadline is in a week. What do I do?

Don’t panic! There is a space on the JIT form to indicate that IACUC review is pending. Contact [email protected] immediately for further instructions.

  • How do I add a new or updated grant to the protocol?

Email [email protected] as soon as possible with a copy of the award and any deadlines. You will then receive further instructions depending on the outcome of the congruency review. Please see Funding for Animal Research for more information.

  • I have a collaborative award. What do I need to do to release funds?

You will need to contact [email protected] for help in setting up an MOU. Please see Funding for Animal Research for more information.

  • What is a congruency review? 

Please see Funding for Animal Research for more information.

  • What is Brown’s OLAW Assurance #/ USDA Registration # / AAALAC Accreditation Status?

  • OLAW Assurance # : D16-00183, renewed 2021

  • USDA Registration # : 15-R-0003, Customer ID 267, renewed 2021

  • AAALAC Accreditation Status : Full, renewed 6/2/2020 - {Accredited since 1971}

InfoEd Troubleshooting FAQ

For all InfoEd questions, contact [email protected] if you need more assistance.

  • How do I know if my submission went through?

Email [email protected] as soon as you submit so that we can verify that the submission went through. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that the submission is received by the office. Do not assume that we have received your submission!

  • How do I submit an amendment / administrative change / annual continuation?  

Please see the information on the InfoEd Assistance and Submission Information page.

  • Help! InfoEd won't allow me to uncheck the "complete" box to edit my protocol.

    1. First, you have to be trying to edit an open submission. Approved protocols are “locked” and changes must be made via Amendment or Administrative Change.

    2. Second, ensure that you are entering the submission via the “Edit” option and NOT the “View” option.

    3. Finally, make sure that you are the only one in the lab who is trying to make changes to the protocol. The system only allows one person to make changes at a time. Please ensure that all lab members click the close button within the system and NOT just the “X” to close the internet browser. The system will keep the user logged in if only the internet browser is closed.

  • I’m in the "Animal Numbers" tab and there is no table to input the animal numbers.

Please return to the first tab of the Species eForm and make sure that you have selected a species at the top of the page under "General Species Information."  This will populate the animal table in the Animal Numbers tab.

  • Are multiple species allowed on a single protocol? What about USDA and non-USDA covered species on the same protocol?

Multiple species are allowed on a single IACUC protocol in InfoEd- simply add additional Species eForms for the species with which you will be working. However, you may NOT have both USDA and non-USDA covered species on a single protocol. USDA-covered species must be covered by a separate protocol. Any projects using DoD/ONR funding must be described on a separate protocol regardless of species.

Occupational Health FAQ

You must complete the survey, but your supervisor will not see your answers. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Association for Assessment and Accreditation in Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC), and the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) require the University to have an effective occupational health and safety program for all individuals who may have exposure to animals. OLAW explicitly advises that opting-out of participation in the University’s program does not satisfy its regulatory requirement. Further, OLAW requires an individualized assessment of all personnel who may have exposure to animals.

  • Who do I contact if I have questions about animal-related health and safety concerns?

Discussion of possible health and safety risks associated with your job should begin with your supervisor. You may also contact the Center for Animal Resources and Education (CARE) or Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).

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