IACUC Policies, Directives, SOPs, and Forms

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IACUC Policies, Directives and SOP

Adoption of Research Animals Policy After completion of a study when animals will be adopted out
Animal Holding Policy When a protocol expires and there are animals in-house
Avian Embryo Use Policy When the study will use avian eggs
Biologics Testing Policy Prior to use of any biologic material in animal work. Consult this policy before bringing ANY biologic materials into animal use areas.
Blood Collection in Laboratory Animals When the study will require blood collection
Food and Fluid Regulation in Rodents When food or fluid will not offered ad-lib to rodents
Investigation of Animal Welfare Concerns (SOP) To learn more about IACUC procedures for responding to reports of animal welfare concern
Pilot Study Policy During the design of a study that includes a pilot project
Principal Investigator Eligibility & Responsibilities Prior to protocol submission or upon change of PI
Program to Promote the Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates During the study and husbandry of nonhuman primates
Retirement of Non-Human Primates After completion of a study involving nonhuman primates. Consult this policy in the planning stages of any nonhuman primate study as there are serious funding implications.
Rodent Identification Policy To determine proper identification procedures in rodents
Tricaine-S, MS-222 Guidelines During anesthesia, restraint, or euthanasia of fish and amphibians
Directive 1.0: Counting Animals Used in Research & Justification for Animal Numbers When determining the number of animals to request for a study
Directive 2.0: Assigning Pain & Distress Categories for USDA Covered Species & Relevant Funding Sources During study design. Pain categories are required by the USDA and DoD/ONR for reporting purposes, but standard animal welfare expectations apply to all species
Directive 3.0: Expired Drugs & Materials  When expired materials are found in the lab
Directive 4.0: Training & Education for Personnel Working with Laboratory Animals When adding new personnel to an approved protocol or submitting a new protocol/de-novo. 
Directive 5.0: Food & Fluid Regulation in Non-Human Primates (NHPs)  When food or fluid will not be offered ad-lib to nonhuman primates
Directive 6.0: Surgery in Non-USDA Regulated Species Prior to surgery in non-USDA regulated species (e.g. rodents) 

SOP - Surgery in Non-USDA Regulated Species

Prior to surgery in non-USDA regulated species.
Directive 7.0: Surgery in USDA Regulated Species Prior to surgery in USDA regulated species. 
SOP - Surgery in USDA Regulated Species Prior to surgery in USDA regulated species.
SOP - Recordkeeping Guidelines for USDA Regulated Species When using USDA covered species. 
Directive 8.0: Social Housing of Laboratory Animals When designing an animal study and planning housing needs
Directive 9.0: Guidelines on Literature Search for Alternatives  When a study will use USDA species or DoD/ONR funding
Directive 10.0: Rodent Genotyping When a study includes rodent genotyping
Directive 11.0: Physical Restraint of Laboratory Animals When laboratory animals must be physically restrained
Directive 12.0 - Cleaning and Disinfecting Research Equipment When laboratory equipment has come in contact with animals and must be clean and/or disinfected. 
Directive 13.0 - Visual Image or Sound Recording of Laboratory Animals  When a study will require pictures, video, or sound recording
Directive 14.0 - Rodent Tumors

During the study and husbandry of rodents on tumor studies

Directive 15.0 - Euthanasia Using CO2 When the study will require CO2 euthanasia
Directive 16.0 - Prompt Reporting  When an unexpected or unfavorable event involving animals occurs
Directive 17.0 - Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) *NEW* Outlining the PAM program and QA/QI initiatives 
Directive 18.0 - Maintenance of Blades When a study will use decapitation as a euthanasia method if scientifically justified (for example, to preserve brain tissue)
Directive 19.0 - Satellite Animal Facility When planning and establishing a Satellite Animal Facility
SOP - Satellite Animal Facility  When running a Satellite Animal Facility
Directive 20.0 - IACUC Member COI (Conflict of Interest) When IACUC members have a COI 
Directive 21.0 - Unanticipated Outcomes of Genetically Modified Animals During the study and husbandry of genetically modified laboratory animals
Directive 22.0 - Mouse Housing Density and Colony Management Protocols performing mouse breeding. 
Directive 23.0 - Rat Housing Density and Colony Management Protocols performing rat breeding. 

Guidance and Reference Documents

Brown Laboratory Animal Drug Formulary When planning drug use in laboratory animals
Body Condition Scoring in Mice and Rats During husbandry of rodents to ensure good general health and welfare
Guidance for IACUC Semiannual Inspections Prior to and during semiannual inspections of animal use areas
Guidelines Justification for the Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds When a study will use non-pharmaceutical grade substances
Macaque Body Condition Score Worksheet During husbandry of macaques to ensure good general health and welfare
Recommended Blood Collection Sites by Species During blood collection
Semiannual Inspection Self-Assessment Checklist Use this as guidance to help prepare for semiannual inspections



Form WHEN TO Use
IACUC Event Reporting Form After an unexpected problem or noncompliance event during animal work
Animal Holding Request Form When a protocol expires but there are animals in-house
Notice of Intent to Use Avian Embryos Prior to submitting a proposed research project that will use avian eggs
Rodent Post Surgical Monitoring Form Familiarize prior to sx and us post sx
Rodent Anesthesia Monitoring Record - Nonsurvival Sx Prior to sx
Rodent Anesthesia Monitoring Record - Survival Sx Prior to sx
USDA Species Anesthesia Monitoring Record Prior to sx
Animal Adoption Questionnaire  For Brown personnel interested in the adoption of a research animal. 

Do you have feedback on an IACUC-approved document that  you would like the Committee to consider or recommendations for a new policy, guidance document or SOP?  Please contact us to let us know.

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