
The Scope and Significance of Job Title Segregation by Race and by Gender


Mencoff Hall 205

Abstract: Labor market segregation by race and gender is typically measured in terms of occupation categories. But to what extent are workers segregated into different job titles within occupations? In this talk, I present preliminary national estimates of job title segregation by race and by gender, using data from the General Social Survey, 1972 to 2018. I find that occupations conceal substantial job title segregation, particularly between white and nonwhite workers. I also show that job titles are proliferating over time, creating more scope for title segregation, even as occupations integrate. I draw on examples of within-occupation segregation to demonstrate the ways job title differentiation reflects and reinforces stratification in an evolving economy.

Bio: Ananda Martin-Caughey is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Brown University. She received her PhD from New York University in 2023. Her research interests focus on social stratification, work and organizations, gender, and race/ethnicity. She is particularly interested in how work is changing and the implications for inequality and racial and gender stratification. Martin-Caughey previously worked for the U.S. Census Bureau and the Urban Institute.