PSTC Colloquia

Upcoming Events

PSTC Colloquia

Urban micro-segregation: Segregation at the urban micro scale and its impact on social reproduction

Thomas Maloutas, Emeritus Professor of Social Geography and Thematic Chartography, Harokopio University

PSTC Colloquia

When Your Bootstraps Are Not Enough: How Demand and Supply Interact to Generate Learning in Settings of Extreme Poverty

Alex Eble, Associate Professor of Economics and Education, Columbia University Teachers College

PSTC Colloquia

Does Inequality Have Momentum? The Implications of Convex Inequality Regimes for Educational Inequalities in Mortality

Arun S. Hendi, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University

PSTC Colloquia

The Direct Financial Costs of Having a Family Member Incarcerated

Chris Wildeman, Professor of Sociology, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

Unmasked: COVID, Community, and the Case of Okoboji

Emily Mendenhall, Professor in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

PSTC Colloquia

Pathways to Choice: A Bundled Intervention against Child Marriage

Isabelle Cohen, Assistant Professor in the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington

PSTC Colloquia

The Motherhood Effect on Earnings amid Declining Fertility: Evidence from Korea

Jisoo Hwang, Associate Professor of Economics, Seoul National University

PSTC Colloquia

The Big Squeeze: Polygyny, Marriage Markets, and Social Problems in Bamako, Mali

Bruce Whitehouse, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lehigh University

PSTC Colloquia

Reproductive Gerrymandering, Bureaucratic Violence, and the Erosion of Abortion Access in the United States

Alyssa Basmajian, Postdoctoral Fellow at PSTC

Past Events

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Poster Presentations

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

PSTC Colloquia

Work Over Just Cash: Informal Redistribution Among Employers and Workers in Kampala, Uganda

Elisa Macchi, Assistant Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Climate Migration Across Contexts and Gender: An Examination in Contemporary Mexico

Fernando Riosmena, Professor of Sociology and Demography, University of Texas at San Antonio

PSTC Colloquia

The Long-Term Effects of Income for At-Risk Infants: Evidence from Supplemental Security Income

Laura Wherry, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Service, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

Colloquium Canceled

This week's Colloquium talk has been canceled.

PSTC Colloquia

Widening Disparities in Changing Places? The Relationship between Changing Racial Demographics of Neighborhoods and Racial Disparities in School Discipline

Jennifer Candipan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The ACA and the Demography of the U.S. Criminal Legal System Population

Carmen Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

PSTC Colloquia

The Scope and Significance of Job Title Segregation by Race and by Gender

Ananda Martin-Caughey, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Fertility and Infant Health Consequences of Highly Restrictive Abortion Policies

Alison Gemmill, Assistant Professor in Population, Family and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University

PSTC Colloquia

Interest Groups Ideology and Indirect Lobbying: The Rise of Private Health Insurance in the United States

Marcella Alsan, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

PSTC Colloquia

PSTC Flash Session

PSTC Colloquia

Political Demography: Political Consequences of Structural Population Change

Yao Lu, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

PSTC Colloquia

The Power of Persuasion: Causal Effects of Household Communication on Women’s Employment

Maddie McKelway, Assistant Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College

PSTC Colloquia

Individual Behaviors and Health Inequalities: The Case of Preterm Birth during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico

Monica Caudillo, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland at College Park

PSTC Colloquia

Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City

Rebecca Galemba, Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

PSTC Colloquia

Structural Racism, State Laws, and Racial/Ethnic Health Inequities in the United States

Madina Agénor, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Epidemiology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Structural Racism and the Mechanisms Maintaining Racial Stratification

Deadric T. Williams, Associate Professor of Sociology, The University of Tennessee

PSTC Colloquia

Understanding Gender Discrimination by Managers

Christina Brown, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Chicago

PSTC Colloquia

Fiscal Structures and Economic Mobility in the U.S.

Rourke O'Brien, Professor of Sociology, Yale University

PSTC Colloquia

Vanguard: Black Veterans and Civil Rights after World War I

Desmond Ang, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

PSTC Colloquia

Toward a Different Politics of Vulnerability: Poverty, Environmental Risk, and COVID-19 in Chile’s Migrant Campamentos

Pablo Seward Delaporte, Postdoctoral Research Associate at PSTC

PSTC Colloquia

The Geography of Income Polarization and Its Intergenerational Consequences

Siwei Cheng, Associate Professor of Sociology, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Poster Presentations

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

PSTC Colloquia

Toward a Population Policy: Addressing Contemporary Eugenics and Social Inequality

Leonard M. Lopoo, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, Syracuse University

PSTC Colloquia

The Care Work System: Changes and Continuities in the Provision of Care

Pilar Gonalons-Pons, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

PSTC Colloquia

Human Mobility Analytics and Geoprivacy Issues on Using Location Big Data

Song Gao, Associate Professor of Geographic Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PSTC Colloquia

The Socioeconomic Impact of Access to Contraception in the U.S.: Using Linked Restricted Data

Amanda Stevenson, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder

PSTC Colloquia

The Effects of Wildfire Destruction on Migration in the United States

Kathryn McConnell, Postdoctoral Research Associate, PSTC

PSTC Colloquia

Social Mobility and the Structure of Cities

Dylan Connor, Associate Professor at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University

PSTC Colloquia

Lessons from a Century of Black Migration

Tod G. Hamilton, Associate Professor of Sociology, Princeton University

PSTC Colloquia

Rethinking Poverty Landscapes: Housing the Contingent Life Course in Lima’s Periphery

Kristin Skrabut, Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy, Tufts University

PSTC Colloquia

PSTC Flash Session

PSTC Colloquia

Health Disparities Among Older Adults following Tropical Cyclone Exposure in Florida, USA, 1999-2016

Kate Burrows, Voss Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society

PSTC Colloquia

Mobility Analysis for Pandemic Prevention Strategies (MAPPS): Using mobility and social network data to predict and prevent future pandemics.

Mark Lurie, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Intergenerational Impacts of Reparations: Evidence from the Eastern Cherokees

Achyuta Adhvaryu, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

Becoming Invisible: How Aging Alters the Threat and Fear of Deportation for Mexican Immigrants

Isabel Garcia Valdivia, PSTC Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

What is Kin Care? Changes in Intergenerational Obligations in Elder Care in Ghana

Cati Coe, Anthropologist, Carleton University

PSTC Colloquia

Administrative Burden and Procedural Denials: Experimental Evidence from SNAP

Tatiana A Homonoff, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

The Scars of Legal Violence: State and local immigrant policy, surveillance, and enforcement and population health inequality

Courtney E. Boen, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

PSTC Colloquia

The causal effect of an Income Shock on Children's Human Capital

Cristina Borra, Professor of Microeconomics and Labour Economics, University of Seville

PSTC Colloquia

Systemic Discrimination: Theory and Measurement

Peter Hull, Groos Family Assistant Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The effect of the 2021 Child Tax Credit on the economic wellbeing of families with low-incomes

Natasha Pilkauskas, Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

Disclosure Avoidance for the 2020 Decennial Census: Implications for Demographic Research

Dave Van Riper, Director of Spatial Analysis, Minnesota Population Center

PSTC Colloquia

Separate and Unequal: New Findings from Census 2020.

John R. Logan and Rachel McKane (Brown University), Brian Stults (Florida State University)

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Posters and Pizza

PSTC Colloquia


PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

Ailish Burns, Assaf Kott, Matthias Schief, Ester Fanelli

PSTC Colloquia

The Dynamics of Extreme Events, Population, and Places

Elizabeth Frankenberg, Professor of Sociology at UNC

PSTC Colloquia

New evidence on the effects of travel distance to abortion providers

Caitlin Myers, Professor of Economics at Middlebury College

PSTC Colloquia

Multiracial Identification in the 2020 Census: The Potential Role of Genetic Ancestry Testing

Wendy Roth, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania

PSTC Colloquia

The role of generative data models for predictive and causal inference, with examples from electronic health records data

Joe Hogan, Professor of Public Health at Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: Civil Liberties in Times of Crisis

Marcella Alsan, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

PSTC Colloquia

Energizing partnerships in research-to-policy projects: Refugee health

Catherine Panter-Brick, Professor of Anthropology at Yale University

PSTC Colloquia

Postpartum healthcare among immigrant women and state health coverage policy in the United States

Maria Steenland, Assistant Professor of Population Studies, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Flash Session

Several PSTC scholars will present brief overviews of their work.

PSTC Colloquia

Marginal Returns: Race, Family Structure, and Children’s Life Chances

Christina Cross, Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor of Sociology, Harvard University (beginning 2022)

PSTC Colloquia

‘Pre-Existing Conditions’ and Post-Covid Possibilities: Race and Place among Chinese Migrants in Italy

Elizabeth Krause, Professor of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

In this talk, Krause will explore how COVID-19 changed racial formations and racial identities among Chinese migrants in metropolitan Tuscany.

PSTC Colloquia

Behavioral responses to HIV self-testing technologies in Kenya

Harsha Thirumurthy, Associate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

In this talk, Thirumurthy will assess the potential for HIV self-testing o facilitate HIV testing within sexual networks and prevent new infections among women in western Kenya who are at high risk of acquiring of HIV.

PSTC Colloquia

The Race to Exclude: Residential Growth Controls in California Cities, 1970-1992

Joe Labriola, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, PSTC

PSTC Colloquia

Journaling the Pandemic: What 17,000 Journal Entries May Have to Tell Us about Covid-19

Katherine Mason, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University, and Sarah Willen, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Connecticut

PSTC Colloquia

Have Changing Family Demographics Narrowed the Gender Wage Gap?

Alexandra Killewald, Professor of Sociology, Harvard University

In this talk, Professor Alexandra (Sasha) Killewald of Harvard University will use data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to show how changes in family life help explain both the narrowing of the gender pay gap since 1980 and the stalled progress in recent decades.

PSTC Colloquia

Imperial Unsettling: Indigenous and Immigrant Activism towards Collective Liberation

Kevin Escudero, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Sibling Spillovers: Having an Academically Successful Older Sibling May be More Important for Children in Disadvantaged Families

Emma Zang, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Yale University

Zang will discuss this paper on causal sibling spillover effects among students from different family backgrounds in elementary and middle school, which finds that individuals whose older siblings were born shortly after the school entry cutoff date have significantly higher scores in middle school, and that this positive spillover effect is moderated by family background.

PSTC Colloquia

Population Unmoored

David N. Weil, James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics, Brown University

Professor David Weil will discuss a book-in-progress that examines the evolution of world population and thinking about population issues since the end of the Malthusian era around 1750.

PSTC Colloquia

Fog of War? Estimating the Indirect Cost of Conflict using Quasi-Random Assignment to Deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan

Jesse Bruhn, Assistant Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

Several PSTC trainees will deliver their PAA presentations.

Guillaume Blanc, Tate Kihara, and Alex Wambach will offer previews of their PAA presentations

PSTC Colloquia

Reducing Response Bias in Reports of Trauma and PTSD: An Application of the Non-verbal Response Card in a Survey of Youth in Burkina Faso

David Lindstrom, Professor of Sociology, Brown University

In this talk, Lindstrom talk will present results from an experimental trial of the non-verbal response card method in a study of violence and trauma in Burkina Faso.

PSTC Colloquia

Historical Roots of Educational Disadvantage and Progress for Mexican Americans

Stephen Trejo, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin

In this talk, Professor Steve Trejo will use U.S. census data to examine how geographic variation in racial identification of Mexican Americans in 1930 is correlated with educational attainment in this population.

PSTC Colloquia

Combining social media and survey methods for health and migration research

Emilio Zagheni, Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, and Head, Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography

In this talk, Zagheni will discuss the use of social media platforms as a data source and tool for survey research to improve understanding of population health.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: Demographics, Death, and Dignity: Notes from Rwanda

Aalyia Sadruddin, Postdoctoral Research Associate in International and Public Affairs, Watson Institute, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Effect of the 1963 Equal Pay Act on the Gender Gap

Martha Bailey, Professor of Economics, UCLA

In this joint work with Thomas Helgerman and Bryan Stuart, Bailey will discuss how women's wages and employment were affected by the 1963 Equal Pay Act.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: Rearranging the desk chairs: inter-ethnic exposure and discrimination in the classroom

Felix Elwert, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Using data from a large randomized field experiment, Elwert will present research on whether close inter-ethnic exposure increases or decreases discrimination.

PSTC Colloquia

Structure and Segregation: Longitudinal Dynamics of Neighborhood Age Structure and Residential Segregation

John Sullivan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, PSTC, Brown University

Sullivan will discuss neighborhood aging patterns and estimate an explanatory model of aging pattern as a function of social, spatial, economic and housing characteristics.

PSTC Colloquia

Digital Health for Vulnerable Populations: A Case Study and a Call to Action

Megan Ranney, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine & Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

In this talk, Dr. Ranney will provide an overview of the rationale for using digital technology to engage and improve the health of at-risk populations

PSTC Colloquia

Start What You Finish! Ex Ante Risk and Schooling Investments in the Presence of Dynamic Complementarities

Andrew Foster, George and Nancy Parker Professor of Economics, Brown University

Foster will discuss his research with Esther Gehrke on how anticipating future adverse shocks may disrupt children's schooling in rural India.

PSTC Colloquia

Predoctoral Trainee Flash Session

Megan Collier, Guillaume Blanc, Yifan Shen, Parsa Bastani, Teresa DeAtley, and Alexander Yarkin

Several PSTC predoctoral trainees will present their work in progress or completed research.

PSTC Colloquia

The Color of Disaster: Race and Housing Loss in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina

Elizabeth Fussell, Associate Professor of Population Studies and Environment and Society (Research), Brown University

Fussell will share her research on the reasons behind the drastic shift in New Orleans' demographics after Hurricane Katrina.

PSTC Colloquia

Converging Epidemics: HIV and Obesity in Pregnancy among South African Women

Angela Bengtson, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Brown University

Dr. Bengtson will discuss her work on the intersection of HIV, obesity, and perinatal health and discuss preliminary findings from a pilot study among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in South Africa.

PSTC Colloquia

Physician Bias and Racial Disparities in Health: Evidence from Veterans' Pensions

Trevon Logan, Professor of Economics, The Ohio State University (joint with Shari Eli and Boriana Miloucheva, University of Toronto)

Dr. Logan will discuss racial differences in longevity through his findings on the monumental impact of physicians' racial bias when determining veterans' pension awards.

PSTC Colloquia

Reluctant Intimacies: Sexual Violence and Political Economy on a South African College Campus

Sonia Rupcic, PSTC Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University

PSTC Postdoctoral Fellow Sonia Rupcic will introduce a paper that draws on 22 months of ethnographic fieldwork in South Africa and asks crucial questions about data collection and research on gendered violence.

PSTC Colloquia

Structural Racism and Health Stratification in the U.S.: Connecting Theory to Measurement

Tyson Brown, Associate Professor of Sociology, Duke University

Duke sociologist Tyson H. Brown will discuss his research on the underexplored relationship between macro-level structural racism and population health in the United States.

PSTC Colloquia

‘Social Relief’: HIV Hotspots, Truckstop Sex Work and Violence in East Africa

Shanti A. Parikh, Associate Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology and of African and African-American Studies, Washington University, St. Louis

Anthropologist Shanti A. Parikh will discuss her ethnographic research on sexual networks and HIV hotspots in Uganda, and the potential to develop a mobile app to provide tailored, confidential HIV interventions for long-distance truckers and truckstop sex workers, two highly mobile and vulnerable populations.

PSTC Colloquia

Can the Digital Revolution Promote Gender Equality?

Ridhi Kashyap, Associate Professor of Social Demography, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

University of Oxford demographer Ridhi Kashyap will present findings on how the proliferation of mobile phones can empower women in Sub-Saharan Africa and potentially contribute to the fight for gender equality.

PSTC Colloquia

It Takes Two: Couples-focused HIV Prevention Program for Transwomen and their Partners

Don Operario, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, School of Public Health, Brown University

This research presentation will review the epidemiology and context contributing to HIV transmission among transgender women (transwomen), and will describe pilot findings as well as the study design for a randomized controlled trial to test a couples-focused HIV prevention program for transwomen and their partners. 

PSTC Colloquia

Process and Event: The Effects of Parental Separation on Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction

Juho Härkönen, Professor of Sociology, European University Institute

European University Institute sociologist Juho Härkönen will address the effect of parental separation on adolescents' life satisfaction.

PSTC Colloquia

Intergenerational Persistence in Maternal Bereavement

Tom Vogl, Associate Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego (joint with Frances Lu, UCSD)

UCSD economist and demographer Tom Vogl will discuss research surrounding the burden of family member deaths as a source of intergenerational inequality.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: PAA Poster Session

PSTC faculty associates and trainees will present posters from the PAA meeting.

PSTC faculty associates and trainees will present posters from the annual Population Association of America 2020 meeting in Washington, DC.

PSTC Colloquia


PSTC Trainees

Several PSTC predoctoral trainees will preview the talks they will present at the upcoming 2020 Population Association of America meeting in Washington, DC.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: Takes Two: Couples-focused HIV prevention program for transwomen and their partners

Don Operario, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University

This presentation will review the epidemiology and context contributing to HIV transmission among transgender women (transwomen), and will describe pilot findings as well as the study design for a randomized controlled trial to test a couples-focused HIV prevention program for transwomen and their partners.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: The Long-Run Effects of California's 2004 Paid Family Leave Act on Women's Careers: Evidence from US Tax Records

Martha Bailey, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan

This paper uses IRS tax data to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of California’s 2004 Paid Family Leave Act (PFLA) on women’s careers.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELLED: Converging epidemics: HIV and obesity in pregnancy among South African women

Angie Bengtson, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

Bengtson will discuss her work on the intersection of HIV, obesity, and perinatal health and discuss preliminary findings from a pilot study among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in South Africa.

PSTC Colloquia

Migration, Urbanization, and Health: Insights from South Africa

Michael White, Professor of Sociology, Brown University

In this talk, White will discuss health and socioeconomic outcomes associated with migration and urbanization in South Africa.

PSTC Colloquia

The Grandmother Blues: Postpartum Depression and the Grandmother-Mother-Baby Triad in Intergenerational Households in Luzhou, China

Katherine Mason, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University

Mason will focus on her recent findings concerning the role that grandmothers can play in exacerbating symptoms of postpartum mental illness in intergenerational households in China, and will also address related issues in American households.

PSTC Colloquia

Neighborhood Homicides and Young Women's Risk of Pregnancy during the Transition to Adulthood

Abigail Weitzman, Assistant Professor of Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin

This talk will assess how and why neighborhood homicides affect young women’s risk of pregnancy during the transition to adulthood.

PSTC Colloquia

Patterns of Change in Older Adults’ Social Connections: Results from a National Survey

Benjamin Cornwell, Associate Professor of Sociology, Cornell University

Cornwell's talk will focus on describing recent, nationally representative data on patterns of change in later-life social connectedness.

PSTC Colloquia

Chronic Childhood Undernutrition in Kenya: Examining Determinants from a Multilevel and Spatial Perspective

Kevin Mwenda, Assistant Professor of Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Decennial Census Digitization and Linkage Project

Katie R Genadek, Economist at the US Census Bureau and Faculty Research Associate at the University of Colorado, Boulder

This talk will describe the results of a pilot digitization project on the 1990 census.

PSTC Colloquia

Intergenerational Life Course Income Trajectories and Mobility: A Gendered Pattern of Association

Xi Song, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

This talk will will apply an alternative, group-based trajectory approach to characterize social status development over individuals' working lives.

PSTC Colloquia

Flash Session

predoc flash research

Several PSTC predoctoral trainees will present their work-in-progress or completed research.

PSTC Colloquia

Activity Space, Social Interaction and Health in Later Life

Kathleen Cagney, Professor of Sociology and Deputy Dean of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago

This presentation will address how social and spatial environments influence social contentedness and health for older adults.

PSTC Colloquia

Consent: Not as simple as a cup of tea

Jennifer Hirsch, Professor of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University

This presentation will focus on cultural and social dimensions of sexual consent practices among young people.

PSTC Colloquia

Social Class or Social Context? The Case of Mexican Immigrant Parenting in the United States

David Rangel, Assistant Professor of Education, Brown University

This paper will examine the relative salience of social class on parenting practices and beliefs.

PSTC Colloquia

Predicting the Effect of Adding a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census

Misty Heggeness, Principal Economist and Senior Advisor for Evaluations and Experiments, U.S. Census Bureau

Heggeness will examine citizenship question response patterns and the implications of a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

PSTC Colloquia

When Does Neighborhood Poverty Matter? Using Large-Scale Data to Understand Heterogeneity

Mario Small, Professor of Sociology, Harvard

Small will examine how “big” data has furthered the understanding of neighborhood poverty in the context of race and class.

PSTC Colloquia

Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Italy's Coffee Bars: Demographic Transformation and Historical Contingency

Grazia Deng, PSTC Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University

Deng will address the effects of Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs in the Italian coffee industry.

PSTC Colloquia

Social Determinants of Health: The Role of Work and Family Conditions and Health of Low and Middle Wage Workers

Lisa Berkman,Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy, Epidemiology, and Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Berkman will discuss how workplace conditions, policies, and practices shape health outcomes and contribute to health inequities.  

PSTC Colloquia

Unconditional Quantile Regression and Educational Disparities in Biomarkers of Health Risk

Meghan Zacher, PSTC Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University

Zacher will address the variation in educational disparities across the distribution of health.

PSTC Colloquia

Income Segregation: Up or Down, and for Whom?

John Logan, Professor of Sociology, Brown University

Logan will challenge the estimates used in recent reports of rising income segregation in the U.S.

PSTC Colloquia

Behavioral Feedback: Do Individual Choices Influence Scientific Results?

Emily Oster, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Brown University

Oster will examine feedback patterns between scientific findings and “healthy” behaviors.

PSTC Colloquia

Using Big Data to Measure Educational Opportunity and Inequality

Sean F. Reardon, Professor of Education, Stanford University

Reardon will discuss the 350 million tests taken by public school students from 2009-2016 and the patterns and correlates of academic performance and racial/ethnic and socioeconomic achievement gaps.

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Poster Session

Featuring research posters that were presented by PSTC affiliates at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America.

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

PSTC predoctoral trainees Yifan Shen, Chantel Pheiffer, and Sagar Wadhwa will discuss their research that will be presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America.

PSTC Colloquia

Public Investments and Class Gaps in Parents' Expenditures

Margot Jackson, Associate Professor of Sociology, Brown University

Jackson will explore whether public spending on children and families will reduce class inequality in parents' expenditures.

PSTC Colloquia

Childbearing as Choice

John Casterline, Professor of Sociology, Ohio State University

CANCELED! Casterline conducts research on fertility transition and reproductive behavior in low- and mid-income societies.

PSTC Colloquia

The Value and Spread of Information: Evidence from the Network of Mobile Phones in Rwanda

Daniel Björkegren, Assistant Professor of Economics, Brown University

Björkegren will address how societies generate and spread valuable information.

PSTC Colloquia

One Size Does Not Fit All: The Need to Identify and Understand the Subgroups of People with Obesity

Alison Field, Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

Field will address challenges in obesity studies and the importance of identifying subgroups.

PSTC Colloquia

Navigating Health Care: Brokerage and Access for Unauthorized Latino Immigrants under the 2010 Affordable Care Act

Laura López-Sanders, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University

López-Sanders will address brokerage and its effects on healthcare access for unauthorized Latino immigrants.

PSTC Colloquia

Unstable and Unpredictable Work Schedules: Effects on Wellbeing and What to Do About It

Daniel Schneider, Assistant Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley

Schneider will address the negative association that unpredictable schedules have on worker wellbeing.

PSTC Colloquia

The New Genetics of Sexual Orientation: How Large-scale Genetic Data Can Help Us Understand Our Social World

Robbee Wedow, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Wedow will discuss new work on the genetics of non-heterosexual behavior.

PSTC Colloquia

Research Flash Session

PSTC trainees from the Departments of Anthropology, Economics, and Sociology and the School of Public Health will present their completed or in-progress research.

PSTC Colloquia

The End of Official Color-blindness and the Rise of Anti-anti-racism in Contemporary Latin America

Mara Loveman, Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley

Loveman will discuss the increasing official visibility of race and ethnicity in Latin America as a politics of erasure.

PSTC Colloquia

The Fragile Families Challenge

Matthew J. Salganik, Professor of Sociology, Princeton University

Salganik will discuss a scientific mass collaboration that sets a benchmark of predictive performance for six life outcomes.

PSTC Colloquia

Determinants of Equilibrium Particulate Exposure

Matthew Turner, Professor of Economics, Brown University

Turner will discuss country level pollution and how it influences the locations of people.

PSTC Colloquia

Conspicuous Redistribution: Masculinity and Money in Contemporary Nigeria

Daniel Jordan Smith, Professor of Anthropology, Brown University

Smith will explore the concept of conspicuous redistribution as means to understand Nigerian men’s behavior as they navigate the complex geometry of money and intimacy in their everyday lives.

PSTC Colloquia

A Unified Law of Mortality: Implications for the Long Run Effects of Early Conditions

Adriana Lleras-Muney, Professor of Economics, UCLA

Lleras-Muney will discuss how social and economic conditions experienced early in life affect the evolution of health and mortality rates over the lifetime.

PSTC Colloquia

Effect of Increased Provider Payments for Provision of Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Evidence from South Carolina’s Medicaid Policy Change

Maria Steenland, Postdoctoral Fellow in Population Studies, Brown University

Steenland will discuss the effects of South Carolina's 2012 Medicaid policy change.

PSTC Colloquia

Distributing Norms: Notes on the Normal Distribution from Quetelet through Kinsey

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Professor of Demography, UC Berkeley

Johnson-Hanks will discuss denominators, exposure to risk, and selection into and out of social categories.

PSTC Colloquia

The Effects of Immigration on the Economy over the 20th Century: Lessons from the Closing and Re-opening of the Border

Leah Boustan, Professor of Economics, Princeton University

Boustan will address the effects of the closure of the U.S. border to new immigrants in the 1920s on local labor markets.

PSTC Colloquia

When Does Money Matter? School Funding and Black-White Inequality of Educational Achievement 2009-2014

Emily Rauscher, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University

Rauscher will address the relationship between school funding and academic achievement.

PSTC Colloquia

The Role of Mortality Selection in Demography of Aging and Health Disparities

Hui Zheng, Associate Professor of Sociology, Ohio State University

Zheng will address population patterns of health and mortality.

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

A preview of research that will be presented at PAA by Trainees Chinyere Agbai, Marcia P. Jimenez, and Hilary Barker.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELED: Making and Unmaking Families: Stratified Reproduction, Child Circulation and Transnational Adoption from China

Júlia Vich-Bertran, Postdoctoral Fellow in Population Studies, Brown University

Vich-Bertran will discuss transnational adoption and how transnational reproduction draws on and amplifies local stratification as well as how national and global political-economies intersect with domestic and transnational understandings of reproduction and nationhood.

PSTC Colloquia

Does Interracial Contact During Adolescence Affect Interracial Relationships in Adulthood?

Grace Kao, Professor of Sociology, Yale University

Kao's talk will address the patterns of interracial friendships and romantic relationships among individuals in adolescence and young adulthood.

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELED: The Population Principle of Race

Tukufu Zuberi, Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

Zuberi will discuss how during the past 500 years the transformation of the human population along racial lines has been a process of dividing humans into 1st and 2nd class citizens as a critical aspect of demographic transitions.

PSTC Colloquia

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Nonmarital and Early Fertility, and Women’s Health at Midlife

Kristi Williams, Professor of Sociology, Ohio State University

Williams will discuss the influence of adverse childhood experiences on two key dimensions of family formation—age and marital status at first birth—and whether these dimensions of family formation mediate the effect of childhood adversity on women’s midlife health.

PSTC Colloquia

Spaces of Segregation and Health: Complex Associations for Black Immigrant Mothers in New York City

Sara McLafferty, Professor of Geography and GIScience, University of Illinois

McLafferty investigates the impacts of persistent residential segregation on health and well-being for African immigrant mothers and infants in New York City using a large, detailed, multi-year vital statistics dataset. Co-sponsored with (S4).

PSTC Colloquia

CANCELED: The Retirement and Health Outcomes of Black Migrants Who Moved Out of the South in the Early 20th Century

Catherine Massey, Assistant Research Scientist, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan

Using longitudinally-linked Census data, Massey investigates the long-term economic and health impacts of the Great Migration on the migrants’ children, who were retirement-age by 2000.

PSTC Colloquia

Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility

John Friedman, Associate Professor of Economics, Brown University

Friedman will address intergenerational income mobility at each college in the United States using data for over 30 million college students from 1999-2013.

PSTC Colloquia

The Double Burden: Gender Equity, Fertility Intention, and Work-Life Incomparability After the One-Child Policy

Yun Zhou, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

Drawing on the gender equity framework, Zhou investigates the intended and unintended consequences of China’s recent end of the one-child policy.

PSTC Colloquia

"We’re not going to mow your lawn": Latino Youth, Academic Success, and Nativist Stereotypes in Nashville, Tennessee

Andrea Flores, Assistant Professor of Education, Brown University

Flores will discuss preliminary findings regarding how Latino youth make sense of locally and nationally pervasive stereotypes of Latino immigrants.

PSTC Colloquia

"Is your daughter leftover?": Marriage and Gender Equality in China’s Recent History

Matthew Gutmann, Professor of Anthropology, Brown University

Gutmann will examine how the term shengnü (剩女) is used, seriously and in jest, to stigmatize unmarried women, something that is happening at the same time that there are more women Ph.D.s, for instance, than ever before.

PSTC Colloquia

The Effect of Unstable Housing on HIV Treatment Outcomes: Evidence from the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS), 1995-2015

Omar Galárraga, Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Ban the Box, Convictions, and Public Sector Employment

Terry-Ann Craigie, Associate Professor of Economics, Connecticut College

PSTC Colloquia

Climate Change and Migration: New Insights from a Dynamic Model

Barbara Entwisle, Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina

PSTC Colloquia

Considering Women and Children's Health in the Context of Climate Change: An Investigation of Birthweight, Temperature, and Precipitation in Africa

Kathryn Grace, Assistant Professor of Geography, Environment, and Society, University of Minnesota

PSTC Colloquia

What Does It Mean for Race to be a Cause of Reproductive Health Outcomes?  Perspectives from Epidemiology, Sociology, and Economics

David Savitz, Professor of Epidemiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Water, Health, and Wealth

Bryce Steinberg, Assistant Professor of Economics and International and Public Affairs, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Using Photographs, Call Logs, and Other Digital Records for Demographic Measurement in Low-income Countries

Stéphane Helleringer, Associate Professor of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University

PSTC Colloquia

TrustLab: An Emerging OECD Social Trust Platform

Louis Putterman, Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Addressing Youth Unemployment Through Training and Grants: Experimental Evidence from Kenya

Isaac Mbiti, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics, University of Virginia

PSTC Colloquia

Reproducing "Responsibility": Abortion Reform and Reproductive Governance in Mexico

Elyse Singer, Postdoctoral Fellow in Population Studies (Anthropology), Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Poster Session

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

Research presentations by PSTC Trainees Patrick Mayne, Nicole Kreisberg, Zhen Liu, Yashas Vaidya, and Isabelle Notter.

PSTC Colloquia

Sampling Hidden and Rare Populations from their Social Networks: Innovations and Applications

Maria-Giovanna Merli, Professor of Public Policy and Global Health, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

The Empower-Nudge Lottery to Increase 'Dual Protection' among Young South African Women: RCT and Qualitative Findings

Abigail Harrison, Assistant Professor (Research) of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University, and Omar Galarraga, Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

PSTC Colloquia

The Generational Structure of the Multiracial Population

Ann Morning, Associate Professor of Sociology, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

Fertility and the Digital Revolution

Francesco Billari, Professor of Demography and Dean of the Faculty, Bucconi University, Milan; Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford

PSTC Colloquia

Farmer Cognitive Function and Agricultural Productivity Among Farmers in Bahia, Brazil

Leah VanWey, Professor of Sociology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Effect of School Turnaround Strategies in Massachusetts

John Papay, Assistant Professor of Education and Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Family Migration Context and Early Life Outcomes

Jennifer Glick, Professor of Sociology, Penn State University

PSTC Colloquia

Persistence and Fadeout in the Impacts of Child and Adolescent Interventions

Greg Duncan, Professor of Education and Economics, UC Irvine

PSTC Colloquia

Possible Impacts of Mindfulness on Cardiovascular Health: Bridging Population Studies to Biological Mechanisms

Eric Loucks, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Flash session

Featuring the research of PSTC Trainees Whitney Arey, David Glick, Jamie Hansen-Lewis, Nicole Kreisberg, Michelle Marcus, Ken Miura, and Alex Ayalu Reda

PSTC Colloquia

The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children’s College Attendance and Its Consequences

V. Joseph Hotz, Arts and Sciences Professor of Economics, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

Cohabitation Nation? Gender, Class, and the Remaking of Relationships

Sharon Sassler, Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University

PSTC Colloquia

Beyond the Population Bomb: Demography After 1968

Emily Klancher Merchant, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College, Neukom Institute for Computational Science

PSTC Colloquia

Intergroup Contact and Competing Allegiances in a Complex World

Sara K. Cowan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

Queering Chinese Kinship Studies: Love, Marriage, and Family among Gay Men in Urban China

Casey Miller, Postdoctoral Fellow in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Ethnoracial Diversity and Trust, Reexamined

Maria Abascal, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

New Approaches to Estimating the Value of Research

Bruce Weinberg, Professor of Economics, Ohio State University

PSTC Colloquia

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Samoan Biological Responses to Modernization: Evolutionary, Nutritional, Demographic, and Sociocultural Factors

Stephen McGarvey, Professor of Epidemiology, Director of the International Health Institute, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Now, Later, or Never: Childless or Child Free in Post-Socialist Hungary

Marida Hollos, Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

How are SNAP Benefits Spent? Evidence from a Retail Panel

Jesse Shapiro, George S. and Nancy B. Parker Professor of Economics, Brown University 

PSTC Colloquia

Racial Health Disparities and Delaying Births as Anti-poverty Policy

Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

PSTC Colloquia

When Networks Depress Migration

Jenna Nobles, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PSTC Colloquia

Cross-national Variation in Children’s Poverty by Family Structure

James Raymo, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

PSTC Colloquia

Coloring the 'Boys Will be Boys' Chronicle: Race, Gender, and Changes in Children's Behavior Problems Across Two Decades

Jayanti Owens, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Housing Crisis and Shifting Patterns of Residential Stratification

Kyle Crowder, Professor of Sociology, University of Washington

PSTC Colloquia

The Global Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity: Nature, History, and the Role of Trade

David Weil, Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Health and Wellbeing among Older Adults in Rural South Africa

Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

PSTC Colloquia

The Social Demography of Start-Up Businesses Among Unemployed Women

Peter Brandon, Professor of Sociology, University at Albany

PSTC Colloquia

The Incoherence of the Social Process of Undocumented Migration: A View from the Southern Mexico Train Tracks

Jason De Leon, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

It Takes a Village: Longitudinal and Multilevel Analyses Estimating the Chance of Temporary and Permanent Migration in Rural South Africa

Tyler W. Myroniuk, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Environmental Inequality and Disparities in Child Outcomes: the Case of Lead

Anna Aizer, Associate Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Child Height after a Natural Disaster

Duncan Thomas, Professor of Economics, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

A Forced Diaspora: Tracking New England Native Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic

Linford Fisher, Associate Professor of History, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Loss in the Time of Cholera: Long-run Impact of a Disease Epidemic on the Urban Landscape

Erica Field, Assistant Professor of Economics and Global Health, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

Household Recombination, Retrospective Evaluation, and Educational Mobility over 40 Years

Andrew Foster, Professor of Economics and Director, Population Studies and Training Center

PSTC Colloquia

Who Works in Safe Garment Factories in Bangladesh?

Rachel Heath, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Washington

PSTC Colloquia

Archaeology at the Limits of Authority: Two Millennia along the Guatemala-Mexico Border

Andrew Scherer, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Gender Differences in Telomere Length across the Life Course

Belinda Needham, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

Teaching for Tomorrow’s Economy: Elementary Teacher Effects on Complex Tasks, Grit, and Growth Mindset

Matthew Kraft, Assistant Professor of Education, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Same-Sex Families and Health

Justin Denney, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of the Kinder Institute Urban Health Program, Rice University

PSTC Colloquia

Marital Assimilation or Not? Marriage Markets, Ethnoracial Diversity, and Marital Endogamy Among U.S. Hispanics

Zhenchao Qian, Professor of Sociology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Civil Rights Legislation and Legalized Exclusion: Mass Incarceration and the Masking of Inequality

Becky Pettit, Professor of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin

PSTC Colloquia

(Re)producing community in clinical trials: Possibility and power in HIV research in South Africa

Lindsey Reynolds, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Data-Driven Decision Making for HIV Treatment Monitoring under Resource Constraints,

Joseph Hogan, Professor of Biostatistics, Brown University