
S4 Winter 2021 GIS Institute



The Winter 2021 GIS Institute will be held online from January 4 - 15, 2021. Brown graduate students, researchers, staff and faculty are eligible to apply to the Institute. The Institute provides participants the opportunity to build and apply GIS and spatial analysis skills that will directly translate to individual research projects, such as dissertations. The Institute will provide hands-on training in two areas:

1. Geographic Information Systems for managing, processing, analyzing, and representing spatial data.

2. Spatial statistics and spatial analysis tools for more in-depth research applications.

The Institute will cover theory and practice through lectures, tutorials, invited speakers, and an applied research project of your choice. The two-week program runs 9:30 am to 5 pm the first week, with the remaining days allocated to mentored work on individual projects. January 15th will be devoted to project presentations. Project presentations are a required component of the Institute.

Application deadline December 13, 2020.

Event Link