Ananda Martin-Caughey

Assistant Professor of Sociology
Photo of Ananda Martin-Caughey

Ananda Martin-Caughey joined Brown and the PSTC in 2023. She has previously worked for the U.S. Census Bureau and the Urban Institute. Her research interests focus on Social Stratification, Work and Organizations, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity. She is particularly interested in how work is changing and the implications for inequality and racial and gender stratification. 

One of her current projects investigates gender and racial segregation at the level of job titles and tasks, using novel, nationally-representative data to reveal stratification hidden within occupational categories. In another project, Martin-Caughey is investigating who benefits from the rise of different kinds of workplace flexibility. Other ongoing work analyzes the returns to education across occupations and the mobility consequences of wage polarization. 

Selected Publications:

Martin-Caughey, Ananda. 2021. “What’s in an Occupation? Investigating Within-Occupation Variation and Gender Segregation Using Job Titles and Task Descriptions.” American Sociological Review, 86 (5), 960-999.

Scholarly Interests

Gender, work, organizations, race/ethnicity, inequality, mobility

Affiliated Departments

Department of Sociology