David P. Lindstrom
Professor of Sociology
David Lindstrom joined the PSTC and Brown in 1994. He is a former Director of the Center for Latin American Studies and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the Graduate School. He has had research grants from NIH, NSF, the Packard Foundation, the Compton Foundation, and RAND. Lindstrom has published his research in Demography, Population Studies, Social Forces, International Migration Review, Studies in Family Planning and Social Sciences and Medicine, among other journals.
Lindstrom's research examines the determinants and consequences of migration in economically developing societies, the transition into adulthood, and the changing dynamics of reproductive health and behavior. In Mexico and Guatemala, he studies the interrelationship between migration and stages of the family life cycle, and the role of migration in the diffusion of urban reproductive norms and behavior back to rural places of origin. His research in Ethiopia examines the social and demographic determinants of fertility, and the influence of the social and cultural context on early life course transitions.
Scholarly Interests
Contraception, Fertility, Migration, Reproductive health
Affiliated Departments
Department of Sociology