Greer Mellon
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Greer Mellon's research examines how the characteristics of organizations shape individual and organizational decision-making and contribute to social stratification. This work contributes to the sociology of education, research on inequality and stratification, and political sociology. She holds an MA in Statistics from Columbia University and an MPhil in Development Studies (International Development) from the University of Oxford. She received her PhD in Sociology from Columbia. She has previously conducted research for federal government agencies and nonprofit organizations, including the National Endowment for the Arts, Legal Services Corporation, the Digital Harbor Foundation, and Benenson Strategy Group.
In her free time, Greer is an avid long-distance runner and ran her first NYC Marathon in 2021. She also holds elected office in New York City.
Scholarly Interests
School Racial Composition and Parents’ School Preferences, School District Governance, Gender Inequality in the High-Skilled U.S. Labor Market