

2019 Assignments

Note that each assignment below includes a tutorial style ABAQUS finite element analysis problem. Although they do tie in with the class material, these could be completed at any time during the semester - you don't need to wait until the week they are due. This might be useful if you see something in one of the later homeworks that might help you with the final project, and you can also use this to juggle your course-load with other classes.


  1. Homework 1: Introduction to FEA Analysis Solutions
  2. Homework 2: Tensor Descriptions of Deformation, Index Notation Solutions
  3. Homework 3: Describing Deformations image_correlation_example.m Solutions Matlab code Live Script
  4. Homework 4: Internal forces and equations of motion Solutions
  5. Homework 5: Analyzing assemblies in ABAQUS/CAE Due Fri Oct 18
  6. Homework 6: Static solutions for elastic solids Solutions
  7. Homework 7: Energy methods; implementing FEA Solutions (partial)
  8. Homework 8: Strings, Beams Solutions
  9. Homework 9: Stress waves, Vibrations Solutions
  10. Ungraded: Example problems on plasticity and failure Solutions




2018 Assignments

  1. Homework 1: Introduction to FEA Analysis (Solutions) You will need to work through the ABAQUS tutorial before attempting this homework
  2. Homework 2: Math review; tensors and index notation Solutions
  3. Homework 3: Describing Deformations Solutions
  4. Homework 4: Internal forces and equations of motion Solutions
  5. Homework 5: Static solutions for elastic solids Solutions
  6. Homework 6: Energy methods; implementing FEA Solutions Matlab code
  7. Homework 7: Strings, Beams, Membranes and Plates Solutions
  8. Homework 8: Stress waves, Vibrations Solutions


General Homework Policies: