In addition to the department-specific requirements listed below, PSTC trainees must take one elective course from an outside department (See Admission and Requirements).
Population Track Courses
PSTC trainees in Anthropology take one population-related course in the department plus Principles of Population (SOC 2080). Trainees also take two electives in Anthropology.
- Anthropological Demography (ANTH 2300)
- Principles of Population (SOC 2080)
Elective courses include:
- Issues in Anthropology and Population (ANTH 2304)
- Biopolitics (ANTH 2130)
- International Health (ANTH 2200A)
- Medical Anthropology (ANTH 2230)
- Anthropology of Kinship (ANTH 2210)
- Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis (ANTH 2202)
- Anthropology and Development: Critical Ethnographic Perspectives (ANTH 2320)
- Anthropology of Fertility and Reproduction (ANTH 2303)
Exams and Committee Requirements
Anthropology doctoral students are required to prepare for and take examinations in three fields in their third year, and PSTC trainees in Anthropology must include a topic within anthropological demography as one of those three.
Population Track Courses
PSTC trainees in Economics take one foundational course and at least two population-related electives in the Economics department, as well as one elective outside of Economics.
- Applied Econometrics (ECON 2390)
- Elective course in population track in Economics
- Elective course in population track in Economics
Elective courses include:
- Labor Economics (ECON 2330)
- Labor Economics II (ECON 2340)
- Economics of Health and Population (ECON 2360)
- Inequality: Theory and Evidence (ECON 2370)
- Applied Econometrics II (ECON 2400)
- Urbanization (ECON 2410)
- Public Economics I (ECON 2485)
- Public Economics II (ECON 2480)
- Economic Development I (ECON 2510)
- Economic Development II (ECON 2520)
- Economic Growth and Comparative Development (ECON 2830)
- Behavioral and Experimental Economics (ECON 2530)
- Comparative Development (ECON 2860)
Exams and Committee Requirements
At the end of the second year, PSTC trainees in Economics must pass an oral exam for which at least one PSTC faculty associate serves on the examination committee.
Political Science
PSTC trainees in Political Science currently follow the Sociology population track. See below for requirements.
Population Track Courses
PSTC trainees in Sociology take a sequence of two foundational courses as well as an additional population-related elective in Sociology and one elective outside of Sociology.
- Principles of Population (SOC 2080)
- Techniques of Demographic Analysis (SOC 2230)
- Elective course in population track in Sociology
Elective courses include:
- GIS and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences (SOC 2612C)
- Social Stratification, Inequality, and Mobility (SOC 2030)
- Health, Illness, and Medicine in Social Context (SOC 2130)
- Event History Analysis (SOC 2240)
- Migration (SOC 2320)
- Fertility (SOC 2360)
- Mortality (SOC 2380)
- Spatial Thinking in Social Science (SOC 2610)
- Urban Sociology (SOC 2960C)
- Spatial Data Analysis Techniques in the Social Sciences (SOC 2960G)
- Special Topics in Population (SOC 2960L)
- Family Demography (SOC 2961C)
Exams and Committee Requirements
All PSTC trainees in Sociology must take two prelim exams and include at least one PSTC faculty associate on their master’s and dissertation committees.
Public Health
Population Track Courses
PSTC trainees in Public Health take a sequence of two foundational population courses as well as two population-related electives in Public Health.
- Principles of Population (SOC 2080)
- Techniques of Demographic Analysis (SOC 2230)
- Two elective courses in population track in Public Health
Elective courses include:
- Analysis of Population Based Data (PHP 2430)
- Climate Change and Human Health (PHP 1710)
- Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (PHP 1854)
- Social Determinants of Health (PHP 1920)
- Ethics of Health Research (PHP 2025)
- Methods in Epidemiologic Research (PHP 2120)
- Global Burden of Mental Health Disorders (PHP 2160)
- Approaches to HIV Prevention (PHP 2300)
- Community Contexts on Health (PHP 2325)
- Public Health Issues in LGBT Populations (PHP 2365)