Past Events

PSTC Colloquia

The Effect of School Turnaround Strategies in Massachusetts

John Papay, Assistant Professor of Education and Economics, Brown University

Workshops and Professionalization

Introduction to Web Scraping with R for the Social Sciences

Yi Qi, Senior GIS and Spatial Analyst for S4 and the PSTC

PSTC Colloquia

Family Migration Context and Early Life Outcomes

Jennifer Glick, Professor of Sociology, Penn State University

PSTC Colloquia

Persistence and Fadeout in the Impacts of Child and Adolescent Interventions

Greg Duncan, Professor of Education and Economics, UC Irvine

PSTC Colloquia

Possible Impacts of Mindfulness on Cardiovascular Health: Bridging Population Studies to Biological Mechanisms

Eric Loucks, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Flash session

Featuring the research of PSTC Trainees Whitney Arey, David Glick, Jamie Hansen-Lewis, Nicole Kreisberg, Michelle Marcus, Ken Miura, and Alex Ayalu Reda

PSTC Colloquia

The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children’s College Attendance and Its Consequences

V. Joseph Hotz, Arts and Sciences Professor of Economics, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

Cohabitation Nation? Gender, Class, and the Remaking of Relationships

Sharon Sassler, Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University

PSTC Colloquia

Beyond the Population Bomb: Demography After 1968

Emily Klancher Merchant, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College, Neukom Institute for Computational Science

PSTC Colloquia

Intergroup Contact and Competing Allegiances in a Complex World

Sara K. Cowan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, New York University

PSTC Colloquia

Queering Chinese Kinship Studies: Love, Marriage, and Family among Gay Men in Urban China

Casey Miller, Postdoctoral Fellow in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Ethnoracial Diversity and Trust, Reexamined

Maria Abascal, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

New Approaches to Estimating the Value of Research

Bruce Weinberg, Professor of Economics, Ohio State University

PSTC Colloquia

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Samoan Biological Responses to Modernization: Evolutionary, Nutritional, Demographic, and Sociocultural Factors

Stephen McGarvey, Professor of Epidemiology, Director of the International Health Institute, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Now, Later, or Never: Childless or Child Free in Post-Socialist Hungary

Marida Hollos, Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

How are SNAP Benefits Spent? Evidence from a Retail Panel

Jesse Shapiro, George S. and Nancy B. Parker Professor of Economics, Brown University 

PSTC Colloquia

Racial Health Disparities and Delaying Births as Anti-poverty Policy

Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

Special Events

Chinese Society After One-Child Policy and Hyper Economic Growth

A one-day conference presenting two sessions on Chinese society

PSTC Colloquia

When Networks Depress Migration

Jenna Nobles, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
