Past Events

PSTC Colloquia

Cross-national Variation in Children’s Poverty by Family Structure

James Raymo, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

PSTC Colloquia

Coloring the 'Boys Will be Boys' Chronicle: Race, Gender, and Changes in Children's Behavior Problems Across Two Decades

Jayanti Owens, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Housing Crisis and Shifting Patterns of Residential Stratification

Kyle Crowder, Professor of Sociology, University of Washington

PSTC Colloquia

The Global Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity: Nature, History, and the Role of Trade

David Weil, Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Health and Wellbeing among Older Adults in Rural South Africa

Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

PSTC Colloquia

The Social Demography of Start-Up Businesses Among Unemployed Women

Peter Brandon, Professor of Sociology, University at Albany

PSTC Colloquia

The Incoherence of the Social Process of Undocumented Migration: A View from the Southern Mexico Train Tracks

Jason De Leon, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

It Takes a Village: Longitudinal and Multilevel Analyses Estimating the Chance of Temporary and Permanent Migration in Rural South Africa

Tyler W. Myroniuk, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Population Studies, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Environmental Inequality and Disparities in Child Outcomes: the Case of Lead

Anna Aizer, Associate Professor of Economics, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Child Height after a Natural Disaster

Duncan Thomas, Professor of Economics, Duke University

Special Events

Pathways to Advancing Adolescent Well-being

A two-day conference presenting research results from the Jimma Longitudinal Family Survey of Youth (JLFSY), Ethiopia

PSTC Colloquia

A Forced Diaspora: Tracking New England Native Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic

Linford Fisher, Associate Professor of History, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Loss in the Time of Cholera: Long-run Impact of a Disease Epidemic on the Urban Landscape

Erica Field, Assistant Professor of Economics and Global Health, Duke University

PSTC Colloquia

Household Recombination, Retrospective Evaluation, and Educational Mobility over 40 Years

Andrew Foster, Professor of Economics and Director, Population Studies and Training Center

PSTC Colloquia

Who Works in Safe Garment Factories in Bangladesh?

Rachel Heath, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Washington

PSTC Colloquia

Archaeology at the Limits of Authority: Two Millennia along the Guatemala-Mexico Border

Andrew Scherer, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Gender Differences in Telomere Length across the Life Course

Belinda Needham, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan

PSTC Colloquia

Teaching for Tomorrow’s Economy: Elementary Teacher Effects on Complex Tasks, Grit, and Growth Mindset

Matthew Kraft, Assistant Professor of Education, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Same-Sex Families and Health

Justin Denney, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of the Kinder Institute Urban Health Program, Rice University
