Research Project

Research collaboration on masculinities and male sexual and reproductive health in Mexico

This project, led by Professor of Anthropology Matthew Gutmann, aims to “contribute to universal access to sexual and reproductive health in Latin America and the Caribbean through innovative research on men and boys’ perceptions and understandings of masculinities and sexual and reproductive health.” It also seeks to “identify effective programming that engages men as allies to achieve gender equality.” The project involves a joint effort between Brown University’s PSTC and Watson Institute and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), along with its local partner in Mexico, Mexfam.

The project has three specific objectives: 1.) To generate evidence about masculinities and male SRH in LAC in order to inform and influence effective programming and messages that engage men and boys as allies to achieve gender equality; 2.) To facilitate the translation of research into practice through the development of replicable strategies and dissemination of research findings on effective programming on male SRH and masculinities; and 3.) To further the existing partnership between the Watson Institute/PSTC and IPPF/WHR to address the pressing questions in the SRH field by linking academic researchers and practitioners to build the evidence base of effective programming and improve the translation of rigorous research into practice.