Difficult Objects I: Teaching at the John Carter Brown Library

John Carter Brown Library

The John Carter Brown Library’s collection of rare books and manuscripts houses a number of important historical objects to which students and scholars often have strong affective reactions. This workshop explores approaches to teaching with emotionally-charged objects through discussing material from the collection, including an account book from the 18th-century slave ship Sally. The session will be facilitated by Kimberly Nusco, Assistant Librarian for Research and Reference Services at the John Carter Brown Library and RISD Museum educator Jackie Delamatre (Brown ’02). Please register https://sheridan-center.appshosting.com/pma/apex/f?p=210:76:0::NO::P76_E...

More about this series:
Difficult Objects: A Sheridan Center-RISD Museum-John Carter Brown Library Collaborative Series

This collaborative workshop series explores approaches to teaching with difficult objects—sensitive material that can elicit emotionally charged responses from students. Drawing on both historical and contemporary objects from the RISD Museum and the John Carter Brown Library, workshops will discuss techniques to help students develop close looking skills, strategies for providing context, and ways to incorporate object-based teaching in your courses. Workshops will provide the opportunity for participants to share their own approaches to teaching sensitive material and exchange ideas about teaching with difficult objects.