More Than Just Shiny Objects: Using Technology to Support Student Learning

Sheridan Center for Teaching & Learning

Please join us for the 2017 Sheridan invited speaker presentation by Dr. Derek Bruff, Director of the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching and a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics:
An understanding of how learning works can help us make teaching choices that more effectively foster student learning. When new technologies enter the scene, however, it’s not always clear how they fit into this process. Educational technology can facilitate new avenues for student learning, but if we’re not careful to use that technology in ways consistent with principles of learning, the technology can become just a distracting shiny object. In this talk, we’ll explore a few of those principles of learning and how they can help us be more intentional and effective as we integrate technology in our teaching. This is a BYOD talk—bring your own device. Audience participation with mobile devices (phones, tablets, laptops) will be encouraged.
Register here: